World Population Growth

by Katy Monwai


Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





ADD Modifications

Self-Monitoring Techniques

·         During self-directed or group work time, teacher gives frequent cueing to remind the student to stay on task

·         Student includes record of on or off task behavior in log books

·         Log books will be checked more frequently for this student, with points given for recording his or her behavior and extra for on task behavior

·         This will apply towards extra credit on the classwork grade

Behavior Management Techniques

·         The teacher will be even more careful to monitor behavior, enforce class rules, and apply  consequences consistently in the context of different kinds of class activities

·         The teacher will reward and praise the student for his or her efforts

·         The teacher will avoid criticism

·         The teacher will be open to modifying rewards or finding alternative ways to encourage the student in the context of the project

·         The teacher will encourage positive self-talk in the student


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