Designing a Park

by Katherine Brown


Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents










Introduction to Project:

SmartDraw Lab Activity Day


Students Start to Design their Park

Neighborhood Population:



Students evaluate the neighborhood population statistics to determine needs of the park.

Want List:



Students use the statistics from the previous day to generate what percentage of the park should be reserved for different purposes.

Buying Building Materials: Percent Change


Students evaluate sell advertisements and calculate prices for supplies using percent change.

Water Usage:

Functions of Rates


Students create functions to describe the water usage of the park.

Aesthetics:  Ratios and the Golden Ratio


Students make decisions about park characteristics based on ratios.

Areas of the Park:  Distributive Property


Students consider area limitations of the park.

Constructing Handicap Ramps:

Solving Simple Equations


Students solve equations in order to build handicap ramp.

Budget Restrictions: Solving

Multi-step Equations


Students solve multi-step equations involved with aspects of their budget.

Balancing Parents Needs with Youth Recreation:  Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides


Students balance the needs of different age groups.

Water Usage and Plants Installed:  Direct Variation


Students investigate the relationship between water usage and the plants installed.

Size of Parking Lot and Other Aspects of the Park:  Inverse Variation


Students investigate the relationship between the area of the parking lot and the areas of the other aspects of the park.

Comparing Wishes to Budget Constraints: Solving Systems of Equations Graphically


Students solve equations graphically in order to make presentation for budget approval.

Comparing Wishes to Budget Constraints: Solving Systems by Substitution


Students solve equations in order to determine the quantity of items in the park.

Comparing Wishes to Budget Constraints: Solving Systems by Elimination


Students solve equations in order to determine quantity of items in the park.


Area of the Playground: Transforming Formulas


Students use area formulas to determine shapes and sizes of the playground and other elements of the park.

Park Rabbit Population:  Exponential Growth


Students use exponential growth equations to model the park rabbit population.

Investing Profits or Taking Out Loans:

Simple and Compound Interest


Students use simple interest and compound interest equations to make decisions on whether to invest profits of park or to borrow more funds to add new amenities.

SmartDraw Lab Activity Day


Students use computer program SmartDraw to complete their final park design to send to the contractors.

Final Presentation Day


Students present their park designs to the class.