Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your child will be beginning a six-week project in math class that introduces
the use of math outside the classroom. The students will be designing,
building, and using their very own catapults. The processes of this project
will highlight uses of algebra, geometry, and physics in order to create a
functional device. At the conclusion of this time the students will have the
opportunity to launch water balloons with their catapults at their teachers
to wind down their hard work.
The project will count for 30% of the semester grade. Basically, the grade
will be comprised of journal entries, participation, and assessment grades.
Throughout the project there will be various lectures that will be assessed
afterward. These lessons will be vital to the designing and building of the
catapults and so the assessments will be 25% of the project grade.
Since the purpose of this project is to challenge the students to think
outside of the box, and outside of traditional mathematical thinking they are
expected to put forth great effort. However, the purpose is not to overwork
the students with a larger quantity of work, but to assign to them better
quality work. Thus, they should not have to work outside of school any more
than they already do. Furthermore, all materials and tools will be provided
by the school. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Leah Coutorie, Elise Briseno, and Charelle Smith
Please sign here to verify that you have read the information.
Student’s Name: _________________________________
Parent’s Name: __________________________________
Parent’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________
Contact Information:
Email addresses
Office Phone