By: Katie Weber, Michael Herring, James Lyas
March 24, 2004
Dear Parent,
Next week, our biology class is going to begin a six-week project focusing on reproduction, especially human reproduction. During this project they will be learning about how different organisms reproduce including humans and what happens when something in the process goes wrong. The majority of the project will be completed in class but some additional outside-of-class time may be required. Because this project is cumulative, we encourage you to communicate with your child about his or her progress on the project.
Your childŐs end of the six weeks grade will be a composite of many different grades that will be taken throughout the course of the project. Some items that will be graded include: a research paper, a debate, participation, quizzes, lab reports, homework assignments, and a final presentation in which they will play the role of a genetic counselor.
There should be little to no cost associated with this project. If anything will need to be purchased, it will be low-cost stationery items such as poster board and markers.
I am excited to get this project underway with the students! If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact me via phone at 512-444-4444 or via email at
Thank you,