Population Growth

by Samantha Abeln, Christie Anderson, and Jennifer Johle

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Dear Parent,

Please carefully read the information in the attached calendar that describes your child’s research project in Mathematics. I believe this project represents a wonderful and valuable learning opportunity for your child. The class will be investigating the issue of world population growth and will learn mathematics along the way.  It is important to me that you understand what we will be doing and how your child will be assessed, so that you can be involved in the project and encourage your child in the process. This project might require a little more initiative from your child than what has been required from them so far, but encountering mathematics in the context of real world problems is motivating and crucial. Please check on your child’s progress throughout the project and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (school phone: 867-5309, E-mail: pbi-rocks@gailisourhero.com).

The research project will require some, but not a substantial amount of out of class time. Much of the work done for this project will be in class, so attendance is crucial.  The students will be given at least one week of class time to prepare their projects.  Students will not be required to purchase any materials for this project. In addition, this project culminates in a final presentation in which all students will present the results of their research to the class and other observers.  Because of the nature of this topic, your child will be researching and thinking about some controversial issues. I will not push any particular viewpoint, but will encourage the students to examine their own values and thoughtfully form their own opinions.

Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter. Thank you for your time and interest.


Samantha, Jennifer, and Christie


(please detach and return by your child)

I have read and understand the requirements of my child's project.

____________________________        ______________________________

Parent's Signature                                        Child's Name (Please Print)








Week 1

Anchor Video and review of different functions

Finishing reviewing different functions


-- Memory Matrix

Buzz bugs activity (activity portion)


-- Buzz Bug Worksheets (CAT)


-- Homework

Continue Buzz bugs activity (discussion portion)


-- “Big Paper”


-- Quiz (CAT)

Simulation day on Computers


-- Direct Paraphrasing


Week 2

Birth rate lesson

Death rate lesson


-- Pro and Con Grid

Discuss wars/plagues and how they effect population

Exponential growth and decay functions lesson


-- Informative Assessments


-- Homework (CAT)

Continuation from Thursday


-- Informative Assessments

Week 3

Buzz bugs decay activity (activity portion)

Buzz bugs decay activity (discussion)


-- Process Analysis

Discussion of cause and effects of population changes in real world

-- Self-confidence survey

Final Project (where students chose two countries and compare their populations and decide which one will overpopulate first)

Work on Final Project (research)


--Concept Map

Week 4

Work on Final Project

Work on Final Project

Finish Work and prepare for presentations

Final Presentations


-- Presentation is Assessment

--also Directed Paraphrasing (CAT)

Final Presentations