How Does Math Build a House?

by Jeannette Babiak, Lou Peterson, Bill Schiesler


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents











Week 1

Introduction to unit and unit project.  Assign group budgets.   Due: Interest Checklist.

Computer lab day – exploring resources for project.       Due: Evaluation Sheet

Guest Speaker: Mortgage Banker.      Due: One page summary

Lesson – review of scale drawings and proportions.

Library day – blueprint / house plan exploration.  Cost of living, weather, crime research.  Due: Journal Check, and CADD blueprint

Week 2

Lesson – review of Pythagorean theorem.  Due: Project prospectus.

Lesson – Review perimeter and area.  Area of irregular lots. 

Lesson – shapes on the coordinate grid.  Placing house footprint on lot.

Lesson – introduction to surface area and volume. 

Computer lab day – exploring area and volume with applet.   Due: Journal Check

Week 3

Lesson – surface area and volume continued.

Workday – finding surface area of wall space and floor space for paint and flooring costs.  Perimeter-trim.

Lesson – surface area and volume continued.

Workday - finding volume of rooms and other areas.

Guest Speaker: Architect. Due: One page summary.  Due: Categorizing Grid. Due: Journal Check

Week 4

Computer lab day – find pricing for HVAC systems, appliances, toilets, tubs, sinks

Lesson – transformations, day 1

Lesson – transformations, day 2

Day Long Field Trip to Work on Habitat for Humanity

Due: Reflection on fieldtrip

Reflect on Field Trip. Work day – make final changes to house plans. Due: Journal Check

Week 5

Lesson - tessellations – incorporating artwork

Work day - incorporating tessellations into tiling patterns for home

Work day – final budget reviews.  Any room for luxury upgrades?


Computer lab day – Microsoft Excel  (summaries of areas, material costs)

Due: Excel Worksheets

Guest Speaker:


Due: One page summary. 

Week 6

Computer lab day – final floor plan drawings.  Due: final tessellation

Computer lab day – groups work on written report

Due: Revised CADD blueprint

Work day – groups work on scale model, brochure, or presentation

Student presentations.  Due: Journal Due: Categorizing Grid.

Student presentations

Final project evaluations using project Rubric.