Assessment 1, Assessment
2, Final Rubric
Background Knowledge Probe
I would use the Background Knowledge Probe at the beginning of class
to assess students' prior knowledge and understanding about geometry
and algebra. Also, I would like the students to see the important of
math in architecture design. For example I can create some short answer
questions to check students' knowledge about area of two dimensions
shape. By asking questions, I would determine the most effective starting
point of the instruction.
Pro Con Grid
I would use the Pro and Con Grid to help students to build up their
critical-thinking skills. I would create a class discussion for students
to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of building a hospital
in down town Austin. In class, each student would use math at some point
to back up their pros and cons.
Concept Maps
I will use “concept map” as a tool to assess students' kill
in synthesis and creative thinking. After showing the anchor video to
students, I will ask student brainstorming where they see math in architecture
such as where they see geometry and algebra applying in architecture.
Then I will ask them to create a concept map from their lists with the
main concept is “Math in architecture.”
Documented Problem Solutions
I selected " Documented Problem Solutions " technique in my
project to assess how students solve problems and how well students
understand and describe their problem-solving methods. I want to see
how student applying math to design their own buildings. I also want
my students learn how to document all their though so that by checking
their notebooks I may identify the student misconception.
Application Cards
I will apply “Application Cards” to check how well students
understand the possible application of what they have learned. For example,
after students have learned how to write an expression to calculate
volume given a certain height and perimeter of a base rectangle, students
will asked to write down on a index card about how they can apply what
they have learned to their building design.
Classroom Opinion Rolls
I will apply “Classroom Opinion Polls” as a pre- and post-assessment
device. For example, after the students complete the lesson on transformations
then I may show student a function y = x^2 +2 and two graphs (one of
them will be the incorrect graph) then I will ask the class to vote
about which graph will be the graph for the function
Y = x^2 +2) Base on students opinions then I will know how many students
in my class still don't understand about the affect of adding a constant
to the quadratic function on the graph.
I will apply “self-assessment of ways of learning” to ask
for students opinion at the beginning of the project by asking them
to write a paragraph to describe how they can apply mathematics in architecture
and examples. Then at the end of the project, I will ask students to
write me a paragraph to let me know what they like most about the project
and what they don't like about the project. Base on their opinion, I
will make change of the project so that it will be more interested next
Process Analysis I will apply “process analysis” to check students' understanding
about math and the same time to find out their misconception. For example,
I will ask each student to record their though such as what is their
task for the day along for the project and what is their goal. I would
like the students show me step by step how they could come up with the
answer. How they can apply math to their project. |