How does evolution affect us today?

by Vance Ballard and Eddie Bonnell

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Text Resources

  • List Print materials here

Web Resources

  • List relevant URLs with annotations here.


1. whiteboard and marker
3 field guides for Texas gulf shores
3 buckets
3 nets for crabs
3 laminated coast diagram and clipboards
3 grease pencils
paper and pens
safety agreements

Class sets of wooden blocks, cut from scrap wood (one per person). Many will be re-usable from period to period and even year to year, but plan on a fresh set for every class. Size is not critical, but 1x2x2 would be minimal, and 2x4x4 would be close to maximum. Hardwood would be preferable to soft wood

Enough screws (wood or sheet metal) so that every student has one each period. Most will be re-usable each period, but have some extras. Screws should be about one inch long. Phillips head screws would make an interesting variation....a greater challenge

Nails (as an option or alternative), about 1 1/2 to 2 inches long could also be used, although they are somewhat easier to use, and encourage hammering on surfaces which could be destructive.

list of "Some Adaptations & Imperfections" (overhead table and teacher detail/key sheet).

Readings on Contrivances (orchids and panda).  Handouts.   Note cards.  2 Dice.

Nails, Phillips screws, various size blocks of scrap wood (2 X 2 or so),

6 Computers, 6 pH sensors, 6 bottles of distilled water, 6 - 250 ml beaker, paper towels, various water samples to test, lab manual with graph, and goggles if available.

3 whiteboards and marker, 3 field guides for Texas gulf shores, 3 buckets, 3 nets for crabs, 3 laminated coast diagram and clipboards, 3 grease pencils, paper and pens, safety agreements

2 vans for 3 days $300 - $350

Fuel to Burnet Texas and back $200

Entry into the State Park Cave Trip $50 per person 22 people $1100.