Animal Defenses
5E Lesson Plan # 2: Defenses of Animals that Live Today AUTHOR'S NAME: April Ashmore TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one): No DATE OF LESSON: Thursday LENGTH OF LESSON: 50 minutes NAME OF COURSE: 1st grade Science SOURCE OF THE LESSON: Echols, J. C. (1986). Animal defenses: Teacher’s guide. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Hall of Science. SCIENCE TEKS ADDRESSED: 1.2(A) Ask questions about organisms, objects, and events. 1.6(A) Sort organisms and objects according to their parts and characteristics. 1.9(A) Identify characteristics of living organisms that allows their basic needs to be met. 1.9(B) Compare and give examples of the ways living organisms depend on each other for their basic needs. CONCEPT STATEMENT: A predator is an animal that hunts prey in order to survive in the world. A prey is an animal that is hunted by a predator. Students will recognize characteristics of defense mechanisms the animal may have, both physical and behavioral. Wikipedia. (2009). Predation. Retrieved June 18, 2009, from PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
RESOURCES: For class: SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: No significant concerns LESSON: