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Michelle Garcia & Vanessa Silva

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Graphing: Sorting and Classifying Objects Rubric

Student Name:_______________________________________________







sorting and classifying by shape

demonstrates consistently and independently an understanding of the problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

demonstrates some understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

demonstrates little understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

does not yet sort according to shape through the use of manipulatives


sorting and classifying by size

demonstrates consistently and independently an understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

demonstrates some understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

demonstrates little understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

does not yet sort according to size through the use of manipulatives


sorting and classifying by color

demonstrates consistently and independently an understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

demonstrates some understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

demonstrates little understanding of problem solving process through the use of manipulatives

does not yet sort according to color through the use of manipulatives


Labeling of X axis

The X axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units used.

The X axis has a clear label that describes the units used.

The X axis has a label.

The X axis is not labeled.


Labeling of Y axis

The Y axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units.

The Y axis has a clear label that describes the units.

The Y axis has a label.

The Y axis is not labeled.


Accuracy of Plot

All points are plotted correctly and are easy to see


Most points are plotted correctly and are easy to see.

All points are plotted correctly.

Points are not plotted correctly OR extra points were included.

Total Points: