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Terrarium Habitats

Jean Neukomm and Danielle Peters

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
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  Group work Journal Entries Presentation to Class Terrarium
1 Did not participate Few observations and notes recorded Did not contribute to group's presentation Not set up according to directions
2 Participated some of the time Observations recorded frequently but not detailed Participated on small level Terrarium set-up but few components added
3 Participated most of the time Observations recorded frequently with more detail Participated but let other members do most of the work Terrarium assembled but some materials missing
4 Fully participated; worked well with the group Observation recorded frequently in thorough detail with evidence of higher level thinking Fully participated, spoke enthusiastically about subject Complete terrarium
Objective: Total Score /16
Students will work in groups to build a terrarium and will observe changes in the terrarium during this one-month project.  The students must gather materials to build the terrarium and add materials as necessary. The students must observe the terrarium to see if additional plant, soil, or animal material must be added and to note any decomposition changes taking place in the terrarium. Students will enter information about the project in a weekly journal. At the end of the project, the students will make a group presentation describing the elements, which were put into the terrarium and what changes took place in the terrarium. Each group of students will make either a verbal presentation, develop a power point presentation, or create a visual display with pictures or drawings. Each studentŐs grade will be determined by a rubric. This rubric will evaluate group participation, journal entries, the class presentation and the design of the terrarium.