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GEMS: Oobleck, What Do Scientists Do?

Salina Allen and Beverly Pairett

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
Clinical Interviews
Elementary Science Methods Home

CI 5929

Dr. Dickinson

Fall 2008 

Gems Summary 

Group Members: 

Salina Allen

Beverly Pairett 

Gems Activity 

What do Scientists do? 

Grade Level 

5th Grade 


Students will learn what scientists do through an activity that requires to students to observe, examine, hypothesize, and analyze a green oozy substance.  Throughout the activity, the students will become familiar with the scientific terminology used by scientists to describe the properties of an object.  The students will compare their findings of real scientists who were involved with the Mars Rover expedition.  They will design a spacecraft that could land on the green ooze.  Finally, the students will compare their scientific methodology with the methodology of real scientists.