Modifications for Special
Needs Students
ADD, Muscular Distrophy
Modifications for Students with ADD
Outline the day’s activities on the board prior to class so that
all student’s can see them; this will help the ADD student to
remain focused and organized during the period. The ADD student
should always be placed in a location near to the teacher and the teacher
should make eye contact with the student often. The student should be
assigned to a lab group with students who are likely to stay on task.
As students begin to work on their Cameras Exploration, teacher should
move around the room and ask the groups of students to explain the steps
they are taking to perform their experiment; to the ADD child this will
be beneficial because it ensures he/she understands the directions.
During the exploration, the ADD student will have an opportunity to
work with manipulatives and move around the room, creating an interesting
task that will appeal to the learner’s kinesthetic needs.
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Accomodations for Muscular Dystrophy
Summary of the research I found: Muscular dystrophy is a genetic
disease that causes muscle weakness. If I had a student that had
muscular dystrophy, then they may be wheelchair-bound, in which case,
they would need an easily accessible spot for their desk in the room.
They would need extra time to leave before the end of class, in order
to get to their next class on time. In addition, they may need
a student who has excelled in the class, to take notes for them, or
tape-recorded sessions. They may also need additional time to
complete their assignment. And they may also need to partner with
someone who will always make sure that they are learning, and are staying
on top of the assignment.
With “More than Magnifiers”, all of the activities
require the students to be in pairs or groups. So, the student
would need to be paired with students who will take time aside to help
this student, and not leave him/her out. If the student does have
limited ability with his/her arms, then the teacher can make sure to
accommodate this, perhaps, getting special equipment for the student
to fully take part in the activities.
Accommodations may include:
* accessible location for the classroom and place
for faculty to meet with student
* extra time to get from one class to another, especially
in inclement weather
* special seating in classrooms
* notetakers, use of tape recorders, laptop computers,
or photocopying of peer notes
* test accommodations: extended time, separate place,
scribes, access to word processors
* special computer equipment/software: voice activated
word processing, word prediction, keyboard modification
* extra time for assignments due to slow writing
* adjustable lab tables or drafting tables for classes
taught in lab settings
* lab assistance
* accessible parking in close proximity to the building
* customized physical education class activities
that allow the student to participate within their capabilities
* course waiver or substitution for certain students
* taped texts
* advance planning for field trips to ensure accessibility.
General Strategies
* Bring to the student's attention Science Role Models
with Disabilities with a similar disability to that of the student.
Point out that this individual got ahead by a combination of effort
and by asking for help when needed.
* If the functional limitation involves the lack
of arm use then the use of Dragon-Dictate may be extremely useful. It
may be used for such things as computer aided drafting and design(CADD)
and other computer applications.
* Arrange for library personnel to assist access
to card catalouges, bookshelves, and microfiche and other equipments.
* Consider accessibility factor to classroom so that
student is able to get to class on time.
* Be familiar with the building's emergency evacuation
plan to assure that it is manageable for the students.
Teacher Presentation
* If breaks between classes are short (10 minutes
or less), the student who has a mobility impairment may frequently be
a few minutes late. Students and instructors may want to plan for these
occasions, so students don't miss important material.
* Observe potential obstacles so you can be aware
of what is accessible and what is not accessible to students in wheelchairs.
* Students may need to tape lectures (difficulty
with writing or unable to write).
* Table-type desks, with adequate leg space, which
have enough clearance for wheelchairs can be moved into classrooms.
Adaptations such as: latching devices, keylocks, headmaster, and light
talkers that simplify access to computers can greatly help the motor/orthopedic
science student.
1. Consider alternate activities/exercises that can be
utilized with less difficulty for the student, but has the same or similar
learning objectives.
2. Allow more time for the student to complete the lab
3. Alter the height of tables to "fit" the students (e.g.,
a small ramp to a flat platform for high desks).
4. Anticipate areas of difficulty in access and involve
the student with disability in doing the same. Together, work out alternate
procedures while trying not to disengage the student from the activity.
5. Assign a lab partner who can help to reach or manipulate
objects as needed.
6. Be aware of, and prevent the possible overheating of
students who have poor heat regulation.
7. Have students in wheelchairs participate in activities
as fully as possible.
8. Built-in lab tables (or small ramp/platforms) may need
to be modified to accommodate wheelchairs.
9. For students who cannot fully use a computer because
of physical limitations in their hands or arms, explore avenues for
obtaining adaptive access software, altered keyboards (including Unicorn
keyboards), special switches (latching devices, keylocks), and Power
Pads, eye-controlled input systems, or touch-screens in conjunction
with a light talker, trackballs, footmice, and other special equipment.
10. If appropriate, provide assistance, but also provide positive
reinforcement when the student shows the ability to do something unaided.
11. If breaks between classes are short (10 minutes or less),
the student who has a mobility impairment may frequently be a few minutes
late. Students and instructors may want to plan for these occasions,
so students don't miss important aspects of the activity.
12. In the laboratory, place water, gas, and electric facilities
in accessible locations.
13. Increase size of wheels, dials, handles, and buttons on lab
14. Lower supplies and equipment for easier access, or simply
give them to the student as needed.
15. Perhaps a change in aisles (by relocating desks and/or chairs)
is needed for wheelchair access.
16. For hoods in laboratories, have operating knobs and switches
within easy access.
17. Provide an accessible means for the recording of data, charts,
or graphs.
18. Select non-manual types of laboratory teaching techniques
(e.g., electronic probes vs. pipette bulbs).
19. Table-type desks, which are high enough for wheelchairs can
be moved into labs.
20. Use a peer-buddy system.
21. Use electric hot plates instead of Bunsen burners as heat
22. Use laboratory sinks that are accessible from 3 sides for
those with one side or those who are paralyzed.
23. Use low-force electric micro switches for lights and equipment.
24. Use modified lids on the tops of containers (wider and bigger).
25. Use a portable eye wash.
26. When information gathering involves a physical action that
the student cannot perform, try using a different type of experience
that will yield the same information.
Group Interaction and Discussion
* Include student in open discussions.
* Allow more time for the student to complete activities.
* Use ramps and raised platforms for student's access.
* Lower chalkboard and/or corkboard.
* Acknowledge understanding by blinking, nodding,
or a pointer.
* Use a tape recorder.
* Use small sections of large text or readings.
* Use easels, portable reading racks, a standing
table, and adjustable seats and desks.
* Allow more time for the student to complete the
Field Experiences
* Anticipate areas of difficulty and involve the
student with a disability in doing the same. Together, and in the planning
stage, work out alternate procedures while trying not to disengage the
student from the activity.
* Consider alternate activities/exercises that can
be utilized with less difficulty for the student, but has the same or
similar learning objectives.
* Be sure students in wheelchairs can fully participate
in activities.
* When the activity involves field work or field
trips, many of the students using a wheelchair will probably need other
travel arrangements because they often need to rely on attendants, ramp
adapted vans for transportation, or power lift vans for transportation
to and from field activities.
* In the field, provide assistance, but also provide
positive reinforcement when the student shows the ability to do something
* Increase size of wheels, dials, handles, and buttons
on field equipment.
* Use a peer-buddy system.
* Use modified lids on the tops of containers (wide,
bigger, and easier to open).
* When information gathering involves a physical
action that the physically impaired student cannot perform, try a different
experience yielding the same information.
* Make special advance arrangements with curators
during passive visiting field trips.
* Make sure that field activity sites are accessible.
Check the following:
o Are there nearby
parking spaces reserved for persons with disabilities?
o Is there a
ramp or a step-free entrance?
o Are there accessible
rest rooms?
o If the site
is not on the ground floor, does the building have an elevator?
o Are water fountains
and telephones low enough for a student in a wheelchair?
o Arrange with
curators of museums, science centers, etc. for alternate activities
if it is not possible to have the student in a wheelchair do the activities.
o Discuss any
needs, problems, or alternatives with the student.
* Review and discuss with the student the steps involved
in a research activity. Think about which step(s) may be difficult for
the specific functional limitations of the student and jointly devise
accommodations for that student.
* Depending on the site of the research check the
previous two sections.
* Use appropriate laboratory and field strategies.
* Allow more time for the student to complete the
* Provide a seperate place for the test if necessary.
* Give completely oral tests or completely written
tests, whichever is more appropriate to the students needs.
* Allow students to tape record answers to tests
or type answers, as needed.
* Writers should be provided for test-taking if the
student is unable to write (or give oral tests out of the earshot of
other students).
* Students may write slowly and need extended time
for tests.
* Develop a portfolio of the student's work, both
singly and as part of a cooperating group. Orally quiz him/her to establish
the extent to which the student contributed to the group-based accomplishments.
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