College of Education News Submission

Did you recently receive an honor or award? Do you know a student or an alumnus who is doing great things? Do you have interesting news you want to share? You've come to the right place!

Complete and submit the form below, and you may soon be featured on College of Education news platforms. Before submitting, please note the following:

  • By submitting this information, we do not guarantee that your story will appear on all or any of the various distribution channels of the College of Education, including but not limited to the main web page, blog, social media, and/or newsletters. 
  • Depending on the volume of submissions, timeliness, deadlines, and the subject of content, we will do our best to publish as many of the stories submitted as possible.  
  • All information is verified before release, so please provide complete, accurate, and timely information. 
  • Due to limited resources, we cannot respond to news tips that do not conform to these guidelines.

I have read the above statements and understand the guidelines for submission. *

I am...(select all that apply) *
If you are a student or alumni please enter what degree you are obtaining or obtained.
If you are a faculty/staff member please enter your department, program, or office.