Knudson Keynote at 40th Annual Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics

Dr. Knudson
Dr. Knudson

(San Marcos, TX | December 12, 2016)

Dr. Duane Knudson, professor and chair of the Department of Health and Human Performance, gave one of three keynote lectures at the 40th Annual Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. "I felt honored and delighted to receive this invitation," Knudson shared. "Receiving peer recognition as a senior scholar who has done important and applied research in the field of my doctoral training was great. They only have three keynotes at each annual conference, so it means my work has been recognized not only in kinesiology but in the larger parent field of biomechanics," he said.

As the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) invited Speaker, Dr. Knudson presented "Application of Tennis Biomechanics in the Court and Beyond." He pioneered conductive elastomer measurement of hand forces in tennis strokes, innovative smoothing of kinematics data near impacts, and has published influential studies in the etiology of tennis elbow. His research on hand forces, muscle activations, kinematics, and kinetics during tennis strokes, as well as other research has informed instruction and conditioning for tennis and other sports. 

Knudson has brought biomechanics research to tennis teachers and coaches through service on UTSA Sport Science and Technical Committees, presentation, and publication of books and articles for professionals. Dr. Knudson has published over 90 peer-reviewed journal articles, 28 proceedings papers, 14 chapters, and three books.