CWTP Recipient of Write for Texas $100,000 Grant

(San Marcos, TX | October 26, 2015)

The Central Texas Writing Project (CTWP) has been awarded $100,000 through the Write for Texas grant, funding the CTWP Write for Texas Professional Development Project, which is set to help over 80 secondary teachers in the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District.

Write for Texas–a partnership among UT-Austin’s Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, Texas Education Agency, and the Institute for Public School Initiatives–is a collection of resources available to all Texas secondary English language arts and reading (ELA/R) and content area teachers to support effective writing instruction. Write for Texas coaches support classroom teachers and administrators in creating school-wide literacy-rich environments.

Through this grant, the CTWP Write for Texas Professional Development Project will facilitate monthly meetings of coaching, mentoring, classroom demonstrations, book clubs, and workshops for sixth through tenth grade teachers accumulating to over 800 hours of professional development.

In addition to the schedule above, a mid-year conference will be held in January 2016 as well as an end-of-year showcase that will allow teachers to present their instructional demonstration lessons to their peers and administrators.

“I couldn’t be more pleased to collaborate with San Marcos CISD on this important project,” said Lori Assaf, Director of Central Texas Writing Project. “We are excited about the potential for a long-term relationship with the teachers and administrators in San Marcos CISD and know that helping students become better readers and writers across the content areas will better prepare them for their college and career options in the future!”

CTWP focuses on sustained efforts to improve writing and literacy learning at all levels–early childhood through university–, and across disciplines. Its goal is to support a community of educators as they learn from each other and develop their own writing and teaching strengths.

The Write for Texas grant gives CTWP the opportunity to continue supporting this community.

To learn more about CTWP, please visit:​