Visiting Scholars Join Dr. Lori Assaf in Elementary Reading & Writing Research

by Emma Carberry
Outreach Coordinator, College of Education

January 19, 2019

At the end of December, Dr. Lori Assaf, professor in the Curriculum and Instruction Department welcomed two Chilean visiting scholars to Texas State. Dr. Constanza Errázuriz Cruz and Dr. Omar Davison arrived on December 30 from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s Villarrica Campus in Southern Chile.

During their time here, both scholars will be working with Assaf to prepare a manuscript and research proposal surrounding third space in elementary reading and writing instruction in international spaces, focusing on the U.S. and South America. The group will also be visiting local schools and talking with elementary reading and writing teachers.

Errázuriz Cruz and Davison Toro’s visit is funded through the Chilean research fund Conicyt Fondecyt entitled Concepciones sobre la lectura y su fomento de profesores de Educación Básica en ejercicio y sus estudiantes ¿Cómo inciden en las prácticas docentes?: Análisis de una relación significativa para el desarrollo de lectura en la escuela (Reading conceptions of elementary teachers and their students. How do they influence teaching practices?: Analysis of a meaningful relationship for the development of reading in school). The visiting professors will be at Texas State through January 29.