2005 Book Award Winner
Becoming Naomi León

Book Synopsis:
One evening, everything Naomi has known with Gram and her little brother begins to unravel. Naomi’s mother wants to kidnap her. Gram is willing to go to the end of the earth to save Naomi, but will that be enough? A quiet life in Lemon Tree, California, becomes a runaway journey to find an estranged father in exotic Oaxaca, Mexico.
En Espanol
Convirtiendose en Naomi León
Una noche, todo lo que Naomi ha conocido con abuela y su hermanito empieza a desentrañar. La madre de Naomi quiere secuestrarla. La abuela está dispuesto a ir hasta el final de la tierra para salvar a Naomi, pero será eso suficiente? Una vida tranquila en Lemon Tree, California, se convierte en un viaje de huida para encontrar un alejado padre en la exótico Oaxaca, México.

Pam Muñoz Ryan was born and raised in California’s San Joaquin valley and considers herself truly American because her cultural background is an ethnic smorgasbord. She is Spanish, Mexican, Basque, Italian, and Okalhoman. She has written over twenty-five books for young people including the novel, Esperanza Rising, winner of the Pura Belpré Medal, the Jane Addams Peace Award, and ALA Top Ten Best Book for Young Adults, and the Américas Award Honor Book. Her novel, Riding Freedom has garnered many awards including the national Willa Cather Award, and the California Young Reader Medal. Her picture books for young and old, include the award-winning Amelia and Eleanor Go For A Ride and When Marian Sang, the recipient of the ALA Sibert Honor and NCTE’s Orbis Pictus Award. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at San Diego State University.