Secondary (High School) Block

How this Application Works

By submitting the form below, you are requesting a Secondary (High School) Field-Based Block placement.  The department will review your academic records and the information you provide in this application to determine two things: 

  • Are you eligible to enroll in these courses? 
    This includes screening to ensure that you are (a) declared in the appropriate degree plan, (b) have been admitted to the Educator Preparation Program [or have applied and are pending admittance], (c) have at least a 2.75 Overall GPA, and (d) have earned C's or better in all required prerequisite coursework or are currently enrolled and on track to do so before the block semester.  Every student who meets the criteria for eligibility will be assigned a placement. 
  • Where is there availability to place you? 
    This entails matching student preferences to available placements with consideration of limited placement spots at each school and campus. The department will make every effort to honor student preferences, but due to seat limitations some students may be assigned something other than their specified preferences within reason.  Applications are processed in the order that they are received. 

Personal Information

i.e., A00123456
Smith, Sally S
with area code and no dashes: i.e., 5122451234
Teacher Certification Content Area *
This should align with your declared major
Explain in comments below

Block Details

Block Semester *
Block Requested *
CI 4372 + CI 4370 + RDG 3323
Highest Preference *
Indicate which would be your 1st choice if available
Monday | Wednesday (8:00 - 12:50) + choice of RDG 3323 section
Monday | Wednesday (8:00 - 12:50) + choice of RDG 3323 section
Tuesday | Thursday (8:00 - 12:50) + choice of RDG 3323 section
Alternate Preference *
Indicate your 2nd choice in the case that your 1st choice is unavailable
Monday | Wednesday (8:00 - 12:50) + choice of RDG 3323 section
Monday | Wednesday (8:00 - 12:50) + choice of RDG 3323 section
Tuesday | Thursday (8:00 - 12:50) + choice of RDG 3323 section


Check all three boxes to indicate that you understand the following: *
Reliable transportation to these locations is my responsibility. Transportation and/or financial challenges are not justification for having these courses waived or altered.
i.e., Waiting on a pending transcript? Proof of an exception or approved appeal?