Coursework for Master's Degrees in Education

Those interested in becoming a certified teacher through graduate coursework should contact one of the following advisors before applying, to ensure you follow a path that fits your future plans perfectly:

For Elementary Grades [PK-6] - Dr. Tim Kinard:

For Middle School Grades [4-8] - Dr. Gwynne Ash:

For Secondary Grades [7-12] - Dr. Jeffery King:

Coursework for Elementary

Master of Education (MED) in Elementary Education

Required Courses

  • CI 5326 Curriculum & Management in the Elementary & Middle School
  • CI 5336 Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language
  • CI 5329 The Elementary School Science Curriculum
  • CI 5328 Elementary Social Studies: Curriculum Problems
  • CI 5303 Teaching Math in the Elementary School
  • RDG 5322 Teaching Reading in the Elementary and Middle Schools
  • RDG 5340 Connecting Reading and Writing in the Classroom
  • SPED 5326 Educating Students with Mild Disabilities l

Choose one from the following:

  • ECE 5318 Advanced Early Child Development
  • ECE 5319 Curriculum and the Young Child: Early Care and Education

Choose one from the following:

  • CI 5313 Research Seminar in Human Growth and Development
  • CI 5330 Multicultural Teaching and Learning
  • CI 5337 Language Acquisition and Development
  • BILG 5388 The Politics of Language

Total Hours 30


  • A one-semester Student Teaching course


  • A one-year paid internship

Apply to take the Masters Comprehensive Exam during the semester you will complete your last class.

Master of Education (MED) in Secondary Education

Semester I:

  • CI 5333 Secondary Curriculum
  • CI 5363 Strategies for Improving Secondary Teaching
  • RDG 5324 Content Literacy
  • CI 5314 Human Growth and Development
  • CI 5370 Classroom Management, Discipline, and Legal Issues 

Semester II:

Additional Graduate Classes required for MEd in Secondary Education (to be completed within 5 years from start of program):

  • CI 5390 Research Seminar (Pre-req for CI 5306)
  • EDTC 5310 Introduction to Educational Technology
  • CI 5306 Evaluative Techniques
  • 9 graduate hours in teaching field or approved electives

Required Capstone Experience:

  • Students  will complete their comprehensive requirement in their capstone course, CI 5306 or CI 5389.