Special Education Graduate Program in Applied Behavior Analysis

The Special Education Program at Texas State University offers a Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).  

Mission Statement

We strive to prepare behavior analysts to integrate evidence-based practices with reflective, values-driven approaches that enhance developmental, educational, and behavioral health outcomes designed to promote meaningful improvements in quality of life for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, their families, and communities.  

aba flyer

On-Site Pacticum

cares logo

We offer a practicum in the Clinic for Autism Research, Evaluation, and Support (CARES) located on campus. Students gain valuable hands-on experience applying course concepts with clients with neurodevelopmental disorders BCBA supervisees are able to earn a high percentage of unrestricted hours focusing on treatment planning and data analysis and participate in applied research opportunities. After completing supervision requirements and passing an external certification exam, our graduates become Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) and obtain state licensure to provide behavior analytic services. Our graduates are highly successful. They go onto careers working in private clinical practice, public school systems, and other education and health agencies. Approximately 20% of our graduates continue their education elsewhere to earn doctoral degrees and work as researchers in the field.

aba students

Graduates of this program will receive: 

(1) Master's of Education Degree (M.Ed.) with a concentration in ABA 

(2) Coursework that meets the Association for Behavior Analysis International’s VCS requirements 

(3) Supervised practicum hours that count towards the supervision requirements for BCBAs