Project Based Instruction

Student Projects

Spring 2002

Instructor: Gail Carmack

Resource Management

Kevin Bielamowicz, Adrienne Fan, & Lori Welch

Are your friends making you sick?

Robert Gonzalez, Fernando Gutierrez, & Erin Marcus

How to Create a Successful Business

Liz Rivera-Dirks, Rebekah Stone, Besim Tafilaj

Microorganisms: Invisible Invaders or Amazing Allies

Karen Eckert & James Saunders

Financial Stability Project

Miryam Casas, Lacey Lupton, Elaine Renaud 

The Elipse: A Mathematical Model

Brad Beth & Ted Lai

Vitamins and Minerals

Brittany Birt & Farhanna Razzaque

Math Phobia: What are you going to do about it?

Kris Barnett, Eric Gonzalez, & José Zambrano

How does water quality affect organisms?

Ryan Deutsch & Kate Gillis

Intellectual Endeavors

Jody Bean, Daniel Bellinger, & Eric Frierson

Mathematics of Location

Adalberto Guerra, Daniel Koren, & Sara Parhikhteh