Lesson modified by: Hina Siddiqui
Source: http://www.uteach.utexas.edu/%7Egdickinson/pbi/pbifall02/warming/content/lesson2.htm
Age group: Algebra I
Length of Lesson: 1 Class period
TEKS addressed
§111.32. Algebra I (One Credit)
(a) Basic understandings.
(5) Tools for algebraic thinking. Techniques for working with functions and equations are essential in understanding underlying relationships. Students use a variety of representations (concrete, pictorial, numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal), tools, and technology (including, but not limited to, calculators with graphing capabilities, data collection devices, and computers) to model mathematical situations to solve meaningful problems.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(A.2) (D) collect and organize data, make and interpret scatterplots (including recognizing positive, negative, or no correlation for data approximating linear situations), and model, predict, and make decisions and critical judgments in problem situations.
Students will discuss how the Internet works and be able to intelligently
operate it to research Global Warming.
Students will discover that there is an enormous amount of information
that can be gathered in this way, however not all of it is useful. Students
will discuss and identify which sites have useful information and which sites
do not.
Teacher does: -Teacher does a brief introduction to the Internet and introduces the concept of networking -Teacher shows interesting examples on a projector of the wide variety of images that can be taken off the Internet, this is done in a slide show format -Teacher lists a variety of different web browsers and what each can be specifically used for |
Student does: -Students engage in the introduction and ask questions about concepts that don’t seem very straightforward -Students are engaged and write notes down on various types of web browsers and their specificities |
Questions: -What does networking mean for computers? -Why is the Internet such a powerful tool? |
Expected Student Response: -Networking means linking various computers and databases together -The Internet is a powerful research tool and provides a large amount of information |
Teacher does: -Teacher will divide class into equal groups based on the number of available computers -Teacher will assign each group lists on tasks including: 1)writing down 3 websites URLs that deal specifically with global warming 2) Write down a list of 3 good points on each Internet site and three bad points on that site -Teacher will walk around during the investigation and question students and assist those with troubles |
Student Does: -Students will work in groups at computers on the assigned investigation -Students will find the necessary information and ask the teacher for help when their investigation is not working |
Questions: -Are you finding all the necessary information? -Why is this site a good or bad source of information? -Why might you want to or not want to use this site as a source for your global warming project? |
Expected Student answers: -Internet searches are going fine -Students will be able to explain why one source is better or worse than another -Students will be able to explain why or why not they would use a particular site for their project |
Teacher does: -Teacher asks students to go to the board as a group and write the URLs of the three sites that they found -Teacher asks the student to make a chart and next to each site list the good and bad points of each site -Teacher asks students to talk about their experiences finding and navigating the sites -Teacher will ask class to decide whether or not each website would be a valuable research tool -Teacher will ask each group to explain the overall set up of their websites |
Student does: -Students will post the information asked for on the board -As a class students will discuss similarities and differences between the websites listed and their qualities -Student groups will be able to explain to the class the overall set up of their websites -As a class, students will decide whether or not each site would be useful for the class -Students will record a list of all the useful URLs that the class has come up with |
Questions: -What are the features of each website? -Why
is this website useful or not? -What are particularly useful strategies that your group used in order to complete this search? |
Expected Student Responses: -Students will be able to explain and recommend the websites that they visited -Students
will be able to share their experiences with the rest of the class about
useful ways to use the Internet -Students
will discuss useful search options including Google |
Teacher does: -Teacher will reinforce the concept of the Internet as a useful source of information -Teacher will comment on decisions that the class made about which websites were useful and which will not -Teacher will ask the class for what other types of research that the Internet is useful for -Teacher will explain to students about these types of research materials compared with research they may obtain only in a library |
Student does: -Students will ask question they have about particular applications that the Internet can be used for -Students will provide examples of other types of research topics they could use the Internet to research -Students will explain how they would go about using different types of web browsers for different topics
Questions: -Why is the Internet such a powerful tool? -What other types of searches can the Internet be used for? |
Expected Student Response: -Student will explain the research powers of the Internet and be able to explain various applications of the Internet |
Teacher does: -Teacher will answer any further questions students might have about how to use the Internet in researching Global Warming. -Teacher will ask students to turn in completed worksheet |
Student does: - Students have the time to clear up any
misconceptions they have -Students turn in worksheet