Dear Parents,


I am writing you to inform you that over the next five weeks your child will be involved in a special project in our classroom. The project that we will be doing is on global warming. This topic is particularly relevant to students and the world they live in because global warming has been identified as such a huge issue by the media and scientists. This project is intended to involve your child in looking at and analyzing the various issues surrounding global warming. Most of this project will be completed in class using the Internet as the primary resource. Students will also be required to do various labs throughout the project. These labs will have follow up and assessment materials that are expected to be completed during class and at home. In addition to these requirements, students will prepare a final presentation and poster in groups on prevention strategies about future outcomes of global warming and will present their topic to the class. A majority of the work for this lesson will be completed in class but I do ask for your support in helping make sure that students fulfill any necessary assignments at home. If any of this information is not clear or needs further explanation please feel free to contact me as soon as possible.



Thanks very much for your time,


Sumana Islam



                (Student's Printed Name)



(Signature of parent or legal guardian)                                       (Date)




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