Assessment of Participation
Attendance No absences (3) 1 or 2 absences but makes up work (2) 1 or 2 absences with some effort to make up work (1) More than 3 absences with no effort to make up work (0)
Discussion Participates, is consistently on task and adds to the discussion (3) On task and listening, but does not participate (2) Participates every now and then, but off task (1) Consistantly off task and does not participate (0)
Group Work Works well with others and is always on task (3) Works well but is not always on task (2) Does not contribute to group work consistently (1) Does not get along with group and does not participate (0)
Assignments Turns assignments in on time and completed (3) Turns assignments in on time but not fully completed (2) Turns assignments in late and not fully completed (1) Does not turn in assignments (0)
___/12 x 100% = __________