What do we need to live on another planet?
by: Kathy Goepfert, Travis Lara, and Annessa Allan
April 1, 2005
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Next week our class will begin a six week long unit discovering what we need to live on another planet. This unit is different from your childŐs previous projects because it integrates four different fields of science: geology, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. The unit is aimed to help students learn science in a fun way and to give them a greater appreciation of the world we live in.
All the activities and research can be done in class if the students are diligent. However, at the end of the unit, students will have to assimilate their research and make a presentation. I require that this presentation include a PowerPoint which might require an hour or two outside school to finish. If PowerPoint is not available at home the students can come in before or after school to use the computers.
Materials needed for this project have been provided by the school. The project should be of no cost to you unless the student wants to make another visual for their presentation. The presentations will be 50% of their grade. The students will work in groups of four to collect information for their project. The remaining grades will come from their research every week.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone or email.
Thank you,
Miss Kat
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I have read and understand the expectations of my student for the What do we need to live on another planet? project.
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