Power Point Lesson
Name: Annessa Allan
Title of lesson: Power Point Presentation
Date of
Length of lesson: One 50-minute period
of the class:
Name of course: Eighth Grade Science
level: 8th Grade
or regular:
Source of the lesson:
ÒPower Point Presentation InstructionsÓ
Jason Hook
Teacher: Genetics, Internet, Seventh Grade
Kealing JHS, 1607 Pennsylvania Ave., Austin, TX, 78702
(8.2) Scientific Processes. The student uses scientific inquiry methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to:
(D) communicate valid conclusions;
Students will be able to:
-Use Power Point to create a slide show.
III. Resources,
materials and supplies needed
-Computers (with Power Point)
-Sample Power Point Presentations Ð One with problems, one without
IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.
-Power Point Presentation Instructions (by Jason Hook)
V. Safety
Five-E Organization
Teacher Does Probing Questions Student Does
Engage: -Show sample Power Point that is poorly
developed and difficult to view.
-See how many problems the students find and write them on the board. |
-What are some of the
problems in this presentation?
Raise your hand during the presentations and we will record them on
the board. -Do you think you can do
a better job than this? -What would you do
differently? |
-Too many words. -CanÕt read the text. -No pictures. -It is boring. -The sound/effects are too distracting. -Say less. -Talk more. -Put in pictures. |
Explore: -Pass out the ÒPower Point Presentation InstructionsÓ
(This activity could be done in pairs if computers are limited, or collaborative groups are preferred.) -Go over the instruction with the students. -Write the presentation prompt on the board. |
-Why do we use something like Power Point to present information to a group? -Why would we need more than words? Do you learn by me talking to you the whole class period? -Is science the only subject Power Point can be used in? -Is this the only way we can help people understand what we are talking about? What sort of things do I use to help you understand what I teach you? |
-It is something they can see instead of just the words you are telling them. -Seeing something helps you understand it better. -You can use it for all subjects, like History, English, Spanish. -You can also use videos, computer simulations, labs, and demonstrations. |
Explain: -Each student or pair of students presents their Power Point Presentation. -The rest of the class can offer suggestions in a written form. |
-If you were in the audience, would this be clear to you? -Are you going to want to read the Power Point or listen to the presenter? -Are there any pictures you can add to help the audience understand what you are presenting? |
-Students offer suggestions (written or orally) to their classmates to improve their presentations. |
Extend / Elaborate: -Teacher shows an example Power Point Presentation. -Students may revise Power Points, and then present the improved product for an assessment grade. |
-What will the audience take away from your presentation? -If you have few suggestions for improvement by your classmates, can you think of anyway to improve your presentations? Could you add in any photos, diagrams, tables, or video to help the person understand? |
Evaluate: -Have students
submit final Power Point for a grade. |
Point Presentation Instructions
The following lesson has been designed to
introduce Power Point Presentation to each student. It has been simplified so that a student may be able to
independently create a presentation and become familiar with Power Point.
Objective: You
will use Power Point Presentation to create a slide show. You will create five slides.
Open Power Point on
the desktop.
Choose Blank Presentation. Click on OK.
Choose the title slide (first
on the top row). Click on OK.
Go to File menu and Save As, type in File name. Click on Save.
Choosing a background:
to Format then Apply Design. Click
on the designs and decide which on you would like to use for your presentation,
highlight your choice by clicking it.
you choose a design click on Apply
to apply it to the slide you are working on.
Click on "add
title" and type in your title.
Click on "add
sub-title" and type in your name and the date.
Go to Slide Show and
choose Custom Animation.
Click on the Timing tab.
Click on the object (text or art) you would like to appear first on your
Click on Effects tab.
Choose the Effect, click on arrow to choose an entry animation.
Then choose a sound by
highlighting a sound.
Next choose the Timing
tab and the next object you want to animate.
When you have completed
your choices, click OK.
You can preview your
animation by going to Slide Show
menu and choosing Animation Preview.
Add a new slide:
Insert choose New Slide.
the bulleted list (second on the top row).
Choose a background (see
directions above).
Insert a title by
clicking on the text box and typing in text.
¬ Add text in the text box by clicking on the text box and typing in text.
¬ Create the Animation for the slide (follow directions above).
¬ Click on Save icon, continue.
Slide 3 Ð Text and Clip
Art Slide
Add a new slide:
Under Insert choose New Slide.
Choose the text and clip art slide (first on third row).
Click OK.
¬ Choose a background (see directions above).
¬ Insert a title by clicking on the text box and typing in text.
¬ Add clip art by clicking on box then follow directions to add Clip Art.
¬ Create the Animation for the slide (follow directions above).
¬ Click on Save icon, continue.
Add Clip Art:
Go to Insert menu, choose Picture.
Choose Clip Art.
Choose the clip art that
you want and click Insert.
q You can now resize and reposition the clip art on your slide.
Slide 4 Ð Text Slide.
Add a new slide:
Insert choose New Slide.
the bulleted list (second on the top row).
Choose a background (see
directions above).
Insert a title by
clicking on the text box and typing in text.
¬ Add text in the text box by clicking on the text box and typing in text.
Create the Animation for the slide (follow directions above).
Click on Save icon, continue.
Add a new slide:
Insert choose New Slide.
the text and clip art slide (first on third row).
Choose a background (see
directions above).
Insert a title by
clicking on the text box and typing in text.
¬ Add clip art by clicking on box then follow directions to add Clip Art.
Create the Animation for the slide (follow directions above).
Click on Save icon.