Nitrate Testing Procedure


á       Fill a test tube to the 5mL line with the water sample.  Remember to read the water level at the bottom of the meniscus.


á       Add one Nitrate #1 Tablet.


á       Cap and mix the contents of the Test Tube until tablet disintegrates.  (Make sure the top fits snugly.  Keep your finger on it and mix vigorously.  The tablet will not dissolve completely; just make sure it has broken down into small particles.)


á       Add one Nitrate #2 CTA Tablet.


á       Cap and mix until tablet disintegrates. (Note:  Same rules apply when mixing the contents of the test tube)


á       Wait 5 minutes.


á       Insert test tube into Octa-Slide Viewer.


á       Match sample color to color standard. (The Octa-Slide Viewer should be held so non-direct light enters through the back of the viewer.  With sample tube inserted at the top, slide the Octa-Slide bar through the viewer and match with color standard.)


á       Record as ppm Nitrate Nitrogen. (You will need to convert your readings to Nitrate by multiplying them by 4.4.  Do this when you enter your data on the Data Collection Sheet.)