Name:  Curt Wyman                                                       


Title of lesson:  Two Dimensional Motion


Date of lesson:  Fall, 2005  Second Six Weeks


Length of lesson:  Two 75 Mins periods


Description of the class:

                Grade level:  High School Physics                 


Sources for the lesson: 

                      Holt Physics textbook, chap 3

                       AISG Physics IPGÕs

                       Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science                      



TEKS addressed:


4.  The student knows the laws governing motion.

The student is expected to be able to:


(A) generate and interpret graphs describing motion including the use of real-time technology;


 (B) analyze examples of uniform and accelerated motion including linear, projectile, and circular;


 (C) demonstrate the effects of forces on the motion of objects;


Snapshot 4 (A)

¥ Generate and interpret graphs of velocity/time, position/time.


 Snapshot 4 (B)

¥  Design and illustrate an amusement park ride featuring accelerated motion. Justify the safety and thrill components.


 Snapshot 4 (C)

¥  Design and conduct demonstrations illustrating Newton's laws of motion, such as rolling motion from roller blade wheels, pulling a tablecloth out from under dishes on a table, and the stopping distance of a car.


 Snapshot 4 (D)

¥ Draw a free-body diagram for an everyday situation such as the raising of a flag.

Identify the forces present and describe their effects on the motion of the object.


 Snapshot 4 (E)

       ¥       Describe and illustrate the motion of a ball rolled across a merry-go-round from two frames of reference: on the merry-go-round and off the merry-go-round.




The Lesson: Two dimensional Motion Inquiry


I.  Overview


In this lesson, students will analytically investigate the motion of a roller coaster.


II.   Performance or learner outcomes

          The students will be able to: 

1.   Describe the effects of the acceleration of gravity on two dimensional motion.

2.   Explain projectile motion.

3.   Explain the effects of acceleration on initial and final velocities.

4.   Explain how a ramp affects the acceleration of gravity and velocity calculations.


III. Resources, materials and supplies needed


1.   Computer




Five E Organization – Day 1



              Teacher Does                                        Student Does



Time: 9:00 AM – 9:05 AM


Hands out the work sheet.  Ask a volunteer sit in a chair with a tennis ball and demonstrate JohnÕs position in the roller coaster.

Answer questions about the problem and clarify the assumptions.






Read the problem and ask questions.














Explore: 9:05 – 9:45 AM


Circulate among the groups and check on their progress.  Answer questions without giving away any answers.



Students work in teams on the problem with their computers.













Time: 9:45 AM – 10:10 AM


Ask several groups to explain their solution one at at time.


Have each team turn in their solutions on USB drives or via email.



The presenting group will use the computer projector to show their work and explain their solution.





Introduce the second day problem.










Five E Organization – Day 2



              Teacher Does                                        Student Does



Time: 9:00 AM – 9:05 AM


Hands out the work sheet. 


Discuss briefly differences from the day 1 problem.


Answer questions about the problem and clarify the assumptions.






Read the problem and ask questions.














Explore: 9:05 – 9:45 AM


Circulate among the groups and check on their progress.  Answer questions without giving away any answers.



Students work in teams on the problem with their computers.













Time: 9:45 AM – 10:10 AM


Ask several groups to explain their solution one at at time.


Have each team turn in their solutions on USB drives or via email.



The presenting group will use the computer projector to show their work and explain their solution.






Discuss the safety issues of actually performing this experiment on a real roller coaster.






Name: ________________                                                                 date: _____________

Lab Role: _____________                                 Group #: _________



LAB TITILE:       The Mysterious Tennis Ball Experiment – Day 1


PURPOSE:          To learn about the two dimensional motion, velocity and acceleration


MATERIALS:      Computer


INTRODUCTION:   This is an inquiry requiring you to solve a problem involving a roller coaster and a tennis ball.


DIRECTIONS:    Read the problem and perform an analysis to answer the questions:






John has a tennis ball attached to a 1.5 meter length of string.


He takes the ball and string with him on a roller coaster.  He is riding in a seat by himself.  He ties one end of the string to his belt and at the top of the first hill,  holds the ball out one meter in front of the empty seat beside him.  When the roller coaster starts down the nearly vertical hill, he releases the ball and watches it.


What happens to JohnÕs ball during the ride down the hill?



HereÕs the drawing for the roller coaster.


Assumptions:  The path of the first hill that we are studying can be considered a straight line at an angle of 70û with the horizontal.  Likewise for the second hill except itÕs angle is 60û.


We will also assume that the roller coaster is frictionless and that the cart has enough protection so that wind will not affect the tennis ball.





















PART 1, Day 1: JohnÕs ride down hill



Qualitative analysis:  Try to visualize what will happen to the ball.  Discuss it

with your lab group.  See if you can think of some simple experiments that will lend insight to the problem.  Write down your hypothesis as to what will happen to the tennis ball.



Quantitative Analysis:  Define the calculations necessary to test your hypothesis.  Perform the calculations and write up your conclusions with evidence.


Name: ________________                                                                 date: _____________

Lab Role: _____________                                 Group #: _________



LAB TITILE:       The Mysterious Tennis Ball Experiment - Day 2


PURPOSE:          To learn about the two dimensional motion, velocity and accelleration


MATERIALS:      Computer


INTRODUCTION:   This is an inquiry requiring you to solve a problem involving a roller coaster and a tennis ball.


DIRECTIONS:    Read the problem and perform an analysis to answer the questions:





Mary also has a tennis ball and string with her on the same roller coaster.  She ties the string to her belt and holds is out 1 meter in front of the empty seat beside her and releases it at the bottom of the first hill just as the roller coaster begins racing up the second hill.


What happens to MaryÕs tennis ball during the ride up the hill?


















HereÕs the drawing for the roller coaster.


Assumptions:  The path of the first hill that we are studying can be considered a straight line at an angle of 70û with the horizontal.  Likewise for the second hill except itÕs angle is 60û.


We will also assume that the roller coaster is frictionless and that the cart has enough protection so that wind will not affect the tennis ball.





















PART 2, Day 2:  MaryÕs ride up the hill.


Qualitative analysis:  Like before, try to visualize what will happen to MaryÕs ball.  Discuss it with your lab group.  See if you can think of some simple experiments that will lend insight to the problem.  Write down your hypothesis as to what will happen to the tennis ball.



Quantitative Analysis:  Define the calculations necessary to test your hypothesis.  Perform the calculations and write up your conclusions with evidence.






2D Motion Solution


HereÕs the solution drawing for the roller coaster.


Assumptions:  The path of the first hill that we are studying can be considered a straight line at an angle of 70û with the horizontal.  Likewise for the second hill except itÕs angle is 60û.


We will also assume that the roller coaster is frictionless and that the cart has enough protection so that wind will not affect the tennis ball.








































Roller coaster car numbers










Height of 1st hill





1st hill track length





Horizontal distance to bottom of hill










angle of slope, Ω





g at the ramp angle





g vertical component





time to bottom of hill





average velocity down track





Time to move 1 m horizontally





Avg Vertical velocity





Avg horizontal velocity





Time to fall 5m










final velocity on track





final vertical velocity





final horizontal velocity










Tennis Ball numbers





time to fall to the ground





velocity avg





Time to fall 5m

























Conclusion:  The tennis ball falls only slightly faster straight down than the roller coaster.  To John, sitting next to it, the ball would appear to be falling very slowly toward the bottom of the roller coaster car.   However, the tennis ball is moving to the back of the roller coaster fairly rapidly.  John could watch as the ball moves backwards and hits the empty seat.  This would take about a second or one third of the time of decent.





















a)  g (slope) = g * cos(Ω)





b) g vertical component = g(slope) * cos(Ω)



c) time to bottom of hill = Ã[(2 * track length) /(g slope)]


d) average velocity down track = track length / time to bottom of hill

e) final velocity = 2 * avg velocity + initial velocity



     initial vel = 0, final vel = 2 *avg