Aquatic Respiration in a Lake

Name: Audrey Smith

Title of lesson: Aquatic Respiration in a Lake

Date of lesson: Day 8

Length of lesson:

           One 50 minute class period to collect data, additional time to compile data. 

Description of the class:

                     Course Title: What is the trophic state of Austin waterways?

                     Grade level: 9-12

Source of the lesson:

 TEKS addressed:




2) Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations.

        The student is expected to:

        (B)  collect data and make measurements with precision;

        (C)  organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and

        (D)  communicate valid conclusions.


 9) Science concepts. The student knows metabolic processes and energy transfers that occur in living organisms. The student is expected to:        

        (D)  analyze the flow of matter and energy through different trophic levels and between organisms and the physical environment.


12) Science concepts. The student knows that interdependence and interactions occur within an ecosystem. The student is expected to:


        (A)  analyze the flow of energy through various cycles including the carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and water cycles.


The Lesson:

I.    Overview

Students will use the internet to investigate the effects of respiration on water chemistry and a lake ecosystem.


II. Performance or learner outcomes

Students will use Water on the Web data ( to explore the affects of respiration on the water chemistry of lakes. In this lesson students learn that the simple act of respiration can have profound effects on an ecosystem.

Students will be able to:

1.      Provide data collected from microcosms and RUSS (Remote Underwater Sampling Station) monitored lakes as evidence that respiration occurs and can be quantified in aquatic settings.

2.      Describe the effects of respiration on a body of water.

3.      Design an appropriate water sampling regimen for assessing pH and DO (or the selected water quality measure in the student inquiry lesson) in the hypolimnion of a lake.

4.      Explain how organisms affect pH and DO (or the selected water quality measure in the student inquiry lesson) in the hypolimnion of a lake.


III. Resources, materials and supplies needed


This lesson requires access to Water on the Web data (

Each group of three students gets a three page handout (handout follows the lesson plan)


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.


This lesson assumes that the students already have an initial lesson on water chemistry and how water is analyzed and they are familiar with the concept of communities and food webs.
Five-E Organization


Teacher Does                                               Student Does


Present this scenario to the students:

Your lakeshore association has decided it can afford to have six water quality analyses done on the lake during the summer (between May 1 and November 1). Your group needs to select one date and time per month to conduct those analyses. Record your groups' choices of analysis dates and times in the table below




What contributes to changes on pH?

Where does the oxygen in water come from?

What organisms use the oxygen?



Student Activity


Students come up with reasons why aquatic respiration might be an issue for the lake association. Discuss uses of a lake for humans and other organisms.







     Student Response

Students may know that the oxygen comes from plants and algae.

Some may think that because water is part hydrogen and part oxygen, this fulfills the oxygen requirements of aquatic organisms.






Learning Experience(s)




Remind students of the need to carefully collect and record their data. Students also need to reflect on the quality of the data. There is always the possibility that inaccurate data have been collected or posted to the WOW web site. Scientists need to reflect on the quality of any data that are used.


Remind students to label the axes and include proper titles, legends, and units of measure.





What is detritus?


What are some examples?


Which lake will you investigate?



Student Activity


Students work in groups of 3.


Groups access RUSS data on the internet.

Each group needs to select a lake, determine one date and time per month to take data. Each group records data for their chosen dates and times.





Students graph dissolved oxygen and pH for their sampling periods. They should be reminded to label the axes and include proper titles, legends, and units of measure


  Student Response


Detritus is the organic matter that falls into a lake and decomposes.


Leaves would be an example, also dead organisms.






Learning Experience(s)


A steady "rain" of detritus (dead stuff, mostly algae and particulate material washed into the lake from the watershed) falls to the bottom of lakes. This "rain" of detritus is greatest during the most productive time of year. This productivity coincides with the period when lakes are thermally stratified for long periods of time (in Minnesota this might be May-November depending on the basin shape, lake depth and weather.) In the sediments at the bottom of the lake (at the base of the hypolimnion), the detritus is decomposed by bacteria through the process of respiration. The bacterial processes of respiration release the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of the organic carbon compounds, consuming oxygen in oxidizing the compounds, and releasing carbon dioxide (CO2). This CO2 rapidly dissolves in water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) and carbonate ions (CO3--). The relative amount of these depends on the pH of the water. The newly formed carbonic acid gradually decreases the pH of the water. The ions produced in the water as CO2 dissolves increase the TDS (total dissolved solids), and therefore, increase the electrical conductivity (EC) in the water.

CO2 + H20 <-----> H2CO3 <-----> H+ + HCO3-


Discuss the students’ results. (Brief oral presentations by the student lab groups can be useful in comparing group approaches and results).



Which dates would you choose and why?

Over the course of the summer, did pH and DO continuously decline near the bottom of the lake?

What similarities and differences are observed in comparing the group graphs and results?

Why might some lakes have sudden changes in DO and pH near the lake bottom during the summer?



Student Activity


Identify any possible flaws in the experiment setup.


Take data and record observations.

Begin lab report (students will have to finish lab report outside of class or the following class period).


































     Student Response

Students should be prepared to present their data informally the class.


pH and DO should decline due to bacterial respiration and the release of carbonic acid.





Could be due to mixing by wind.



Extend / Elaborate:

Learning Experience(s)


Lakes that remain stratified and are highly productive will usually demonstrate a continuing decline in pH and DO during the summer months due to bacterial action in the sediments. Some lakes may go anoxic (lacking any DO in the depths). Other lakes may have sudden increases in DO and pH if the water is mixed through events such as high winds (this also depends on basin shape and lake depth).




Do we have information on basin shape and lake depth? Can we make hypotheses whether these factors affected data?

Where are these lakes? Are there any lakes like this in Texas?



Student Activity


The next lesson could be a computer simulation of factors that change the land use or population around the lake.






      Student Response


If data is available, students can make hypotheses.

Many of the lakes on which data have been collected are in Minnesota.

Lakes in Texas experience mixing as well. Compare data on Texas lakes to data on Minnesota lakes.





Aquatic Respiration in a Lake


Group Names: _______________________________________________

Date: _______________________

A steady "rain" of detritus falls to the bottom of lakes. Detritus is dead stuff, mostly algae and particulate material washed into the lake from the watershed. This "rain" of detritus is greatest during the most productive time of year. This productivity coincides with the period when lakes are thermally stratified for long periods of time. In Minnesota this might be from May to November depending on the basin shape, lake depth, and weather. The bacterial processes of respiration decompose detritus at the bottom of lakes (at the base of the hypolimnion) and affect the amount of pH and dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion.

Experimental Design
Select one of the lakes that offers RUSS derived data via the Internet. Review the general information available about this lake. Picture yourselves as lakeshore owners concerned about DO and pH levels in the depths of your lake. The research question you want to resolve is, "How does the process of respiration change the pH and DO in the hypolimnion of your lake during the summer?"

1. Which lake will you investigate?


Your lakeshore association has decided it can afford to have six water quality analyses done on the lake during the summer (between May 1 and November 1). Your group needs to select one date and time per month to conduct those analyses. Record your groups' choices of analysis dates and times in the table below.

2. Choose one date and time per month (between May 1 and November 1) to analyze pH and DO in the hypolimnion. Enter those dates and times in the table below.

3. Write a brief explanation and be prepared to orally present your choices to the rest of the class. (Which dates would you choose and why?)



4. Based on your experience with your class microcosms, predict what your group thinks would happen to the pH and DO in the bottom of the lake (in the hypolimnion) during the summer. Why do you think this would happen?



Data Collection
5. Complete the following table.

For the purposes of this study, you will record only measurements closest to the bottom of the lake in the table.

Lake Name: ___________________________











































Data Management and Analysis
6. Graph dissolved oxygen and pH by date over your sampling period. This may be done manually or using a spreadsheet such as Excel (see instructions for graphing with the WOW Excel template.) Be sure you have labeled axes and included proper titles, legends, and units of measure on your graph before it is turned in or presented in class.

Interpretation of Results
7. Summarize the changes in pH and DO measurements in the hypolimnion of your lake over the summer.





8. Why might some lakes have sudden changes in DO and pH in the hypolimnion during the summer?





9. How might pH and DO vary during different seasons?





10. How might pH and DO vary during a 24 hour period?





Reporting Results
Turn in your worksheet, including the data table, graph, and answers to all of the questions.