Name: Gina Kuntscher


Title of lesson: History of Fireworks


Date of lesson: April 12th , 2005


Length of lesson: 3 hours

Description of the class: High School Chemistry Class


Source of the lesson:

           Modified from- http://www.glencoe.com/sec/science/webquest/content/fireworks.shtml


TEKS addressed:

           3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions.


(A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information;

                     (E) research and describe the history of chemistry and contributions of scientists.



I.     Overview

The discovery of fireworks, or namely the formulation of gunpowder is believed to have occurred by chance about 2,000 years ago. Students will explore this theory by learning how to research the history of fireworks through the use of the internet. Students will also learn how to identify reliable resources.

II. Performance or learner outcomes

           Students will be able to:

á      Identify some of major steps in the history of fireworks

á      Successfully use the internet as a research tool

á      Determine if a website is credible

á      Identify Relevant information


III. Resources, materials and supplies needed

Computer with internet access, access to creditable search engines e.g. Gale Groups or History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, http://www.chemsoc.org/exemplarchem/entries/2004/icl_Gondhia/history.html,         

http://library.thinkquest.org/15384/history/index.htm, http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects1997/RebeccaH/#oxidisers, http://www.glencoe.com/sec/science/cgi-bin/splitwindow.cgi?top=http://www.glencoe.com/sec/science/top2.html&link=http://www.celebration-of-light.com/fireworks/history.html, http://www.fireworks.com/safety/trivia.asp, http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/CHEMWEEK/fireworks/fireworks.htm, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/fireworks/conkling.html


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.

            Handout explaining assignment


Five-E Organization

Teacher Does            Probing Questions                     Student Does    



Puts on a 5 minute movie reel of catchy commercials


Initiates short discussion on commercials






Which commercials do you remember?




Watches the commercials



e.g. Walmart oneÉ


Catchy Jingle



Explains assignment:

Students will group up into teams of three – four to develop a webpage link on history of fireworks for a new firework company.





Where will you start your search?


On a scale of low, medium high how reliable is this source?

How do you know?








Who invented fireworks?


How were fireworks invented/ discovered?




Who are some major figures in the history of fireworks?




How has gun powder played a role in the history of fireworks?



Will start search with the sample websites.

Get a general idea of history




It is funded by NOVA




Looks like this site was just googled and anyone can post to the internet




Alchemists trying to find fountain of youth mixed some household ingredients and almost burnt down hut.


Chinese alchemists, Roger Bacon, Marco Polo, Taoist monks, Tsar Peter the Great



Fundamental element in fireworks from the very beginning; no gun powder no firework



Teacher listens and grades presentations (3-5 min. for each group)




Why did you choose the events you did?


Why did you choose the pictures you did?


Where did you find your resources?




Students present their webpage link using a timeline, poster, Powerpoint, etc.


Extend / Elaborate:

Develop a 30 second commercial outline using whatever you want




Try and think about the commercialsÉ What made them memorable?

What about the history of fireworks grabs you?

Can you make that into a commercial? Will it make fireworks sale?


Students create outline using poster board, comic strip, Powerpoint, etc.



Hands students half a sheet of paper and picks it up when they are done.




Write down two of the most interesting facts they learned about the history of fireworks.



Writes down any two facts about the history of fireworks


e.g. major breakthrough was when people noticed that bamboo explodes when both ends are capped and heated