Name:  Allyson Berglund


Title of lesson:  Cratering Process


Date of lesson:  March 4, 2005


Length of lesson:  120 minutes


Description of the class:

                     Name of course:  Science

                     Grade level:  8

                     Honors or regular:  Regular


Source of the lesson:




            Hawai'i Space Grant College, Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and        Planetology, University of Hawai'i, 1996


TEKS addressed:

            (b)  Knowledge and skills.

(1)  Scientific processes. The student conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices. The student is expected to:

(A)  demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and

(B)  make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials.

(2)  Scientific processes. The student uses scientific inquiry methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to:

(A)  plan and implement investigative procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting and using equipment and technology;

(B)  collect data by observing and measuring;

(C)  organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from direct and indirect evidence;

(D)  communicate valid conclusions

                        (E)  construct graphs, tables, maps, and charts using tools including                    computers to organize, examine, and evaluate data.

(3)  Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to:

(C)  represent the natural world using models and identify their limitations;

(4)  Scientific processes. The student knows how to use a variety of tools and methods to conduct science inquiry. The student is expected to:

(A)  collect, record, and analyze information using tools including beakers, petri dishes, meter sticks, graduated cylinders, weather instruments, hot plates, dissecting equipment, test tubes, safety goggles, spring scales, balances, microscopes, telescopes, thermometers, calculators, field equipment, computers, computer probes, water test kits, and timing devices; and

(B)  extrapolate from collected information to make predictions.

(5)  Scientific processes. The student knows that relationships exist between science and technology. The student is expected to:

(A)  identify a design problem and propose a solution;

(B)  design and test a model to solve the problem; and

(C)  evaluate the model and make recommendations for improving the model.


I.        I.      Overview

The object of this lesson is to get students thinking about what influences crater formation.  The students should form hypotheses, perform experiments, and draw conclusions.  This lesson should tie in math skills, such as mass, density, height, velocity, and force.


II.  Performance or learner outcomes

            Students will be able to:

Define key words:  impact, impactor, and ejecta

Determine the factors affecting the appearance of impact craters and ejecta.



III. Resources, materials and supplies needed

For each group of students:

1 pan:

            Pans should be plastic, aluminum, or cardboard. Do not use glass. They         should be at least 7.5 cm deep. Basic 10"x12" aluminum pans or plastic     tubs work fine, but the larger the better to avoid misses. Also, a larger pan      may allow students to drop more marbles before having to resurface and        smooth the target materials.

"lunar" surface material

            all purpose flour

            Reusable in this activity and keeps well in a covered container.

            baking soda

            It can be recycled for use in the lava layering activity or for many            other science activities. Reusable in this activity, even if colored, by           adding a clean layer of new white baking soda on top. Keeps     indefinitely in a covered container. Baking soda mixed (1:1) with          table salt also works.

            corn meal

            Reusable in this activity but probably not recyclable. Keeps only in        freezer in airtight container.

            sand and corn starch

            Mixed (1:1), sand must be very dry. Keeps only in freezer in airtight      container.


tempera paint, dry

sieve or sifter


3 impactors (marbles or other spheres)

meter stick

ruler, plastic with middle depression


For teacher:


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.


For each student:

“Cratering Process” Activity Sheet

“Results” Activity Sheet

"Data Chart"

graph paper  
Five-E Organization

Teacher Does                     Probing Questions                      Student Does       


Learning Experience(s)



Begin by looking at craters in photographs of the Moon and asking students to recall how craters formed.



Critical questions that will establish prior knowledge and create a need to know


After looking at photographs of the Moon, how do you think the craters were formed?

What do you think are factors that affect the appearance of craters and ejecta?


Expected Student





Learning Experience(s)



During this activity, the flour, baking soda, or dry paint may fall onto the floor and the baking soda may even be disbursed into the air. Spread newspapers under the pan(s) to catch spills or consider doing the activity outside. Under supervision, students have successfully dropped marbles from second-story balconies. Resurface the pan before a high drop.

Have the students agree beforehand on the method they will use to "smooth" and resurface the material in the pan between impacts. The material need not be packed down. Shaking or tilting the pan back and forth produces a smooth surface. Then be sure to reapply a fresh dusting of dry tempera paint or other material. Remind students that better experimental control is achieved with consistent handling of the materials. For instance, cratering results may vary if the material is packed down for some trials and not for others.


Critical questions that will allow you to decide whether students understand or are able to carry out the assigned task (formative)

 Preparing a "lunar" test surface

1. Fill a pan with surface material to a depth of about 2.5 cm. Smooth the surface, then tap the pan to make the materials settle evenly.

2. Sprinkle a fine layer of dry tempera paint evenly and completely over the surface. Use a sieve or sifter for more uniform layering.

3. What does this "lunar" surface look like before testing?


Have students answer questions on “Cratering Process” Activity Sheet



Expected Student


















Dirt, ground, rock, Earth



Learning Experience(s)




Have the class compare and contrast their hypotheses on what factors affect the appearance of craters and ejecta.  


Critical questions that will allow you to help students clarify their understanding and introduce information related to concepts to be learned


Have students answer the questions on the “Results” Activity Sheet

Expected Student



Extend / Elaborate:

Learning Experience(s)



As a grand finale for your students, demonstrate a more forceful impact using a slingshot.

Critical questions that will allow you to decide whether students can extend conceptual connections in new situations


What happened to the marble?


How did the crater form?

Expected Student




Increased velocity, increased force



Crater is larger, deeper, more ejecta



Lesson Objective(s)

Learned (WRAP ≠UP at end) -> Summarize








Critical questions that will allow you to decide whether students understood main lesson objectives

 What is the relationship between height of object being dropped and size of crater?


What is the relationship between velocity and crater size?

If the object has more force (like using a slingshot), how does that effect crater formation?

Expected Student



The greater the height, the larger the crater.


Causes deeper, larger hole, more ejecta



When impactor has a high velocity, the crater will be larger, height effects velocity




























Cratering Process


1.  Use the balance to measure the mass of each impactor. Record the mass on the "Data Chart" for this impactor.


2.  Drop impactor #1 from a height of 30 cm onto the prepared surface.


3.  Measure the diameter and depth of the resulting crater.


4. Note the presence of ejecta (rays). Count the rays, measure, and determine the average length of all the rays.


5. Record measurements and any other observations you have about the appearance of the crater on the Data Chart. Make three trials and compute the average values.


6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for impactor #1, increasing the drop heights to 60 cm, 90 cm, and 2 meters. Complete the Data Chart for this impactor. Note that the higher the drop height, the faster the impactor hits the surface.


7. Now repeat steps 1 through 6 for two more impactors. Use a separateData Chart for each impactor.


8. Graph your results. Graph #1 is Average crater diameter vs. impactor height or velocity. Graph #2 is Average ejecta (ray) length vs. impactor height or velocity. Note: on the graphs, use different symbols (e.g., dot, triangle, plus, etc.) for different impactors.
















1. Is your hypothesis about what affects the appearance and size of craters supported by test data? Explain why or why not.

2. What do the data reveal about the relationship between crater size and



3. What do the data reveal about the relationship between ejecta (ray) length and velocity of impactor.

4. If the impactor were dropped from 6 meters, would the crater be larger or smaller? How much larger or smaller? Explain your answer. (Note: the velocity of the impactor would be 1,084 centimeters per second.)

5. Based on the experimental data, describe the appearance of an impact crater.

6. The size of a crater made during an impact depends not only on the mass and velocity of the impactor, but also on the amount of kinetic energy possessed by the impacting object. Kinetic energy, energy in mostion, is described as:

m = mass and v = velocity.
During impact, the kinetic energy of an asteroid is transferred to the target surface, breaking up rock and moving the particles around.


7. How does the kinetic energy of an impacting object relate to crater diameter?

8. Looking at the results in your Data Tables, which is the most important factor controlling the kinetic energy of a projectile, its diameter, its mass, or its velocity?

9. Does this make sense? How do your results compare to the kinetic energy equation?

10. Try plotting crater diameter vs. kinetic energy as Graph #3. The product of mass (in grams) and velocity (in centimeters per second) squared is a new unit called "erg."


Use this graph paper to plot Average Crater Diameter vs. Impactor Velocity







Use this graph paper to plot Average Ejecta (ray) Length vs. Impactor Velocity





Use this graph paper to plot Crater Diameter vs. Kinetic Energy












Impact Craters Data Charts


drop height=30 cm (velocity=242 cm/s)


trial 1

trial 2

trial 3



crater diameter






crater depth






average length of all rays







drop height=60 cm (velocity=343 cm/s)


trial 1

trial 2

trial 3



crater diameter






crater depth






average length of all rays







drop height=90 cm (velocity=420 cm/s)


trial 1

trial 2

trial 3



crater diameter






crater depth






average length of all rays







drop height=2 meters (velocity=626 cm/s)


trial 1

trial 2

trial 3



crater diameter






crater depth






average length of all rays