Michael Herring



Reproductive Structures and Functions Lesson


Grade Level:  9

Source Of The Lesson:  BSCS



In Biology, students laboratory investigations.  Students in Biology study genetics, biological evolution, and plants and their development.


 Knowledge and skills.

Students will demonstrate safe practices during laboratory investigations.

Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during laboratory investigations. The student is expected to:

            Collect data and communicate valid conclusions.

Science concepts. The student knows how an organism grows and how specialized cells, tissues, and organs develop. The student is expected to:

            Compare cells from different parts of plants.

Science concepts. The student knows the theory of biological evolution. The student is expected to:

            illustrate the results of natural selection in speciation, diversity, phylogeny, adaptation, behavior, and extinction.

I.  Overview

This lesson allows the students to explore the structure/function relationships in the reproductive cycle of moss.  Students will dissect the moss and directly observe reproductive parts.  The students will also discuss the evolution of plants from water to land.


II.  Objectives

The students will be able to: