Asexual Reproduction


Name of the writer(s):  James Lyas


Date of lesson:  DD/MM/YYYY


Length of lesson: 50 minutes each


Description of class:

            Name: Science

            Grade level: 9th grade

            Regular, honor, or magnet: Regular


Source of lesson:


The Lesson:

            I. Overview

Students will discover that some organisms undergo a type of reproduction termed asexual reproduction.


II.             Performance or learner outcomes

                        Students will be able to:

á      Define asexual reproduction

á      Explain how a cell is able to make a copy of itself


III.  Safety considerations

á      N/A


IV.  Resources, materials and supplies needed

        - T.V/VCR

        - Video: Asexual Reproduction


            V. Supplementary materials, handouts    

                 - Pre/Post-Assessments


Five-E Organization

                       Teacher Does                                                Student Does


Learning Experience

A) Common/Unique Game: Given a topic,

     students in a group will first try to

     come up with a word that the other

     groups might think of that relates to

     the topic of reproduction.  Next,

     students in a groupwill try to come up

     with a unique word that is different

     from the other groups. (repeat 2-3





* Can organisms reproduce by themselves?

* If yes, how? (Ask them if they can think of any organisms that reproduce asexually.)

* If no, explain why you think this is so.



Hoped for student response

Students will be able to list basic ideas that pertain to reproduction; especially asexual reproduction






Expected Students Response

Various responses.  Students are to have a wide range of responses depending on their knowledge of reproduction; especially asexual mechanisms of reproduction.


Note whether all students are actively participating and interested.  Ask probing questions to determine studentsÕ understanding of asexual reproduction. 



Learning Experience

Watch the video: Asexual Reproduction and Alteration of Generations.

After every segment, ask questions that allow discussion of the video.  As a team, students will identify advantages and disadvantages related to asexual mechanisms of reproduction. To develop their thinking, students conduct research, using printed and electronic resources.



* Questions to be addressed during the video.


Hoped for Student Response

All students will understand and know what to do and will be engaged during the video and discussion. Students will be able to come up with an experiment that would adequately test their hypotheses and be able to explain their experiment idea to the rest of the class.








Monitor students to determine whether all successfully complete the activity. 

Ask inquiring questions to see if they comprehend what they are doing.  Check that they are filling out the data sheet(s) as they are carrying out the lab.



Learning Experience:

Someone from each group will describe the experiment they would use to test their hypotheses.  After students share their ideas, go over the general functions importance of asexual reproduction




* On the basis of student observations

ask students to develop their own hypothesis about the mechanism of flower pollination.





Hoped for Student Response

Students will be able to design several hypotheses based on their observations from the video.





Expected Student Response

Students will rely on information and knowledge obtained from this particular lesson to answer the following questions


During the explanation take a vote to get a scheme of how many students actually understand the concepts covered so far.  Teacher walks around the room to hear students discuss their thoughts.  Collect and grade data sheets form the laboratory investigation.



Learning Experience

* Talk about ways sexual reproduction might be better than asexual reproduction or vice versa.

Hoped for student response

Various answers



Note studentsÕ contributions to various extensions to make sure that they understand the concept of asexual reproduction.


























Names: _________________________________________________________________


ÒCreate an ExperimentÓ


With the information discussed from the video, create an experiment to test your hypothesis for advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction.  The purpose has already been given to you.  Be sure to include your hypothesis, materials needed and detailed steps on how to perform your experiment.  If necessary, continue onto the back.  When you are done, make sure to summarize your experiment on the transparency so that you can present it to the class.


Purpose:          To test and identify advantages and disadvantages related to asexual mechanisms of reproduction.

















Experimental Design: