Jennifer Gidley




Extreme Measures


**NOTE: This lesson is on body images and is strongly health based. It is only to be used if there is time in the unit to cover health topics and all biology topics have been covered.**



(1)  Health information. The student analyzes health information and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

(A)  relate the nation's health goals and objectives to individual, family, and community health;

(B)  examine the relationship among body composition, diet, and fitness;

(C)  explain the relationship between nutrition, quality of life, and disease;

(D)  describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment of eating disorders;

(4)  Health information. The student investigates and evaluates the impact of media and technology on individual, family, community, and world health. The student is expected to:

(A)  analyze the health messages delivered through media and technology; and

(B)  explain how technology has impacted the health status of individuals, families, communities, and the world.

(6)  Health behaviors. The student assesses the relationship between body structure and function and personal health throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

(A)  examine the effects of health behaviors on body systems;

(B)  relate the importance of early detection and warning signs that prompt individuals of all ages to seek health care; and

(C)  appraise the significance of body changes occurring during adolescence.







Health, can be used to supplement Biology



CWK Network

Connecting with Kids provides television programming and products focused on the health, education, and well-being of children and young adults. To contact CWK Network, write to Lee Scharback at



By the end of these lessons, students will be able to:


1. Identify specific physical and emotional characteristics within themselves and others.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of personal diet and exercise.

3. Demonstrate skills necessary to record personal data.

4. Apply basic skills of logic and reasoning to draw conclusions and summarize data.

5. Administer general writing skills.




Old Magazines (sports, fashion, entertainment)

Construction paper

Notebooks (optional)


Pens, colored pencils, pencils, markers

Reality Matters, Extreme Measures handout

Reality Matters, Extreme Measures Words handout




1. Introduction (one class duration) **NOTE** This can be done with a guest speaker (see calendar, Week 5, day 1)

2. Reality Matters, Extreme Measures Facts handout should be given to students as an introduction to the activities within this lesson plan.

3. How do you see others? As an opening exercise, have students go around the room and say something they like about the person next to them (students should not choose who they would like to make comments about Ð everyone should be included and get a turn). Make a personal tally of how many of the comments refer to something they like that is about the person's ÒouterÓ self, (hair, clothes, smile Ð etc.) and how many comments refer to the person's ÒinnerÓ self (kind to others, hard working Ð etc.)

4. Share results of your tally with the class. Then, ask students a few questions that will stimulate discussion.Question suggestions:

- What is usually the first thing you notice about someone?

- Do you care about how others see you?

- Who influences you more - peers? adults? (Parents, teachers, doctors), the media?

- How does the media influence how we see ourselves?

5. Have students note characteristics they feel are important to create the ÒperfectÓ person. They can build their own image by describing this person in words. They should also describe this person by drawing or cutting out pictures from magazines of people they feel emulate the ÒperfectÓ person. Have the students answer questions about why these characteristics important.

6. Write the following questions on the board and ask students to record their answers in their journals:

- How do you see yourself ÒoutsideÓ and ÒinsideÓ?

- In your opinion, which area is more important Ð outside, inside, or both?

- What is the ÒperfectÓ body?

- How important is it to have the ÒperfectÓ body?

- What do you feel a person might need to do to have the ÒperfectÓ body?

- Do you have the type of body you want?

- If no:            What would you change about yourself?

- What do you feel you can do to change yourself?

- If yes:          What is it about yourself that you feel good about?

- What do you do to maintain the type of body you want?

7. Vocabulary

Students can work in groups to research definitions of key vocabulary words addressing body image. See attached copy of the teacher's version with definitions.

8. Use the handout, Reality Matters, Extreme Measures Words, as the student worksheet for the vocabulary exercise.





1. What does body image mean to you?


2. How do you see yourself?


3. How do you feel your friends see you?


4. To what extent would you go for the body you want?


5. What do you do to lose weight? Or gain weight? What biological changes would you make to do so?


6. How important is what you wear? Ð hair? make-up?


7. What makes a person Òwell likedÓ Ð ÒouterÓ body image or their ÒinnerÓ body?





Students may be evaluated by using the following three-point rubric:


- Three points:student has followed all given instructions and fully participated in class discussion, assignments and activities.

- Two points:student has had some participation in class discussions and completed necessary assignments.

- One point:student has completed portions of given assignment with limited class involvement.






Media and Your Mind

How does the media influence how we see ourselves? Have students watch particular/popular TV shows at home and make notes on the number of comments relating to body image or innuendos on how a person is perceived. Students should write down specific comments or give information on events leading up to and following incidences addressing body image. Discuss what students saw the next day. It will be interesting to see if students picked up on the same situations in a show or if some students made note of totally different situations.



One-Week Wonder

Have students develop a one-week health program for someone (doesn't need to be them personally) who wants to loose a few pounds. They will do this by breaking down a daily program that changes day to day. Students may have many ideas on how to help this person but they will need to provide information and research to support their program (examples: caloric and fat intake, burning calories, etc). They should include examples of daily meals (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner) and a daily exercise program listing type and length of exercises. Once students have developed their programs, ask them to share them with the class and discuss their findings. See if they would be willing to try it out for a week and see what happens.






ÒThe Body Image WorkbookÓ

Thomas F. Cash, Ph. D., July 1998

This book addresses how to combat destructive and unhealthy attitudes towards one's physical appearance. An eight-step program shows readers how to evaluate a negative body image, change self-defeating Òprivate body talk,Ó and create a more pleasurable, affirming relationship with the body.


ÒLove the Body You Were Born With: A Ten-Step Workbook for WomanÓ

Monica A. Dixon, January 1996

This interactive workbook helps the reader with common-sense advice and practical exercises to help them learn to love their bodies. It also teaches how to take control of your body and behavior patterns by using self-tests and realistic, specific steps that foster a healthy body and a healthy mind.


Ò200 Ways to Love the Body You HaveÓ

Marcia Germaine Hutchinson, March 1999

This book offers a very accessible way to enrich your experience of living in a body. It helps the reader to see the profound role that your body plays in your personal life as well as revealing the ways your body is central to living on this planet and in spiritual growth.


ÒWhat's Real, What's Ideal: Overcoming a Negative Body Image (Teen Health Library of Eating Disorder PreventionÓ)

Brangien Davis, September 1998

This book offers a thoughtful, thorough, and pragmatic exploration of the relationship between teenagers' perceptions of their bodies and their overall health and well-being. It offers factual information, realistic color photographs, and mini-stories about teens' challenges with physical appearance.


ÒThe Eating Disorder Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Causes, Treatments, and Prevention of Eating DisordersÓ

Carolyn Costin, 2nd Edition November 1999

The author, a recovering anorexic and eating disorder specialist, provides a unique personal and professional viewpoint on eating disorders; examining individual and family dynamics and helping readers assess symptoms which may indicate problems.


ÒFinding Our Way: The Teen Girls' Survival GuideÓ

Allison Abner, Linda Villarosa, February 1996, Reading Level: 4-8

A unique, illustrated guide that helps teen girls discover who they are, what they want in life, and how they can get it in today's complex world.


ÒBody Image: A Reality Check (Issues in Focus)Ó

Pamela Shires Sneddon, March 1999, Reading Level: Young Adult

Physical appearance is of overwhelming concern to a majority of American teens. Sneedon presents a discussion of the issues involved in forming body image, including upbringing, personal confidence (or lack thereof), and societal pressure to conform to unrealistic ideals, and ends with suggestions on how to accept one's body.


ÒReal Girl/Real World: Tools for Finding Your True SelfÓ

Heather M. Gray, Samantha Phillips, Ellen Forney (Illustrator), August 1998, Reading Level: Young Adult

There is Òno one right way to be.Ó That's the theme of this scattershot but encouraging, frank, and approachable resource for young women that crisscrosses topics related to body image, self-esteem, and sexuality.





The American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The AAP has approximately 55,000 members in the United States, Canada and Latin America. Members include pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists.


Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, Inc.

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, Inc., EDAP, is a national nonprofit organization dedicated in increasing the awareness and prevention of eating disorders through education and community activism. Founded in 1987, EDAP has grown to become one of our nation's largest nonprofit organizations dedicated solely to the prevention and awareness of eating disorders.



KidsHealth is one of the largest sites on the Web providing doctor-approved health information about children from birth through adolescence. The mission of KidsHealth is to provide the best children Ôs health information on the Internet.


The Healthy Eating, Healthy Living Program

The Healthy Eating, Healthy Living Program undertakes to identify the food and nutrition needs of at-risk vulnerable groups by means of critical analysis. Through the operation of information, education and communication center, this program engages in the development of health promotion initiatives by offering an information system that embraces up-to-date food, nutrition and health resources and keeps health professionals, the general public, government, non-government agencies and policy makers informed.






An imitation, representation or reproduction of the form of a person or object


An image can be a visible presentation, a copy or a likeness. Image as it pertains to Òbody imageÓ is a concept of one's physical appearance based on self-observation and the reactions of others.



loss of appetite


Anorexia nervosa is a psychological illness. It can be found in both female and male adolescents in which the patients have no desire to eat. The problem often starts with a simple desire to loose weight, which then becomes an obsession.



the absence or suppression of the menstrual period


Amenorrhea may occur as a result of abnormalities of the female reproductive tract, hormonal problems, or genetic disorder. It may also result from depression, malnutrition, emotional or physical stress, drugs, obesity and chronic illness.



the mixture of foods that a person eats


A diet is the usual food and drink of a person or animal. It is a regulated selection of foods that can also be prescribed for medical reasons.



the condition in which excess fat has accumulated in the body


Obesity is usually considered to be present when a person is 20% above the recommended weight for his/her height and build. The accumulation of fat is caused by the consumption of more food than is required for producing enough energy for daily activities.



a group of chemicals whose structures are very much alike


Steroids are a large family of chemical substances, comprising many hormones, vitamins, body constituents and drugs. Some of these drugs (like testosterone) have only recently been identified as having abuse and addiction liability. These drugs are also known as ÒAnabolic SteroidsÓ.



expressing, containing, or consisting of a negation, refusal, or denial.


To be ÒnegativeÓ is to have no positive features. When someone is negative they cannot be positive or constructive.



a compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion


An obsession is a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often-unreasonable idea or feeling.



pride in oneself, self-respect


Self-Esteem is a feeling of pride in you. It is when you hold a good opinion of yourself and you show a quality of being worthy of esteem and/or respect.



to put into operation - set into action


Exercise is activity that requires physical and mental exertion - to exert your muscles in various ways. Exercise is a practice of developing your body and mind.





Subject Area:




Knows environmental and external factors that affect individual and community health.



Understands how various messages from the media, technology, and other sources impact health practices (e.g., health fads, advertising, misconceptions about treatment and prevention options).


Understands how peer relationships affect health (e.g., name calling, prejudice, exclusiveness, discrimination, risk-taking behaviors)



Knows how to maintain mental and emotional health.



Knows characteristics and conditions associated with positive self-esteem.



Understands essential concepts about nutrition and diet



Knows appropriate methods to maintain, lose, or gain weight according to individual needs and scientific research.


Knows eating disorders that affect health adversely (e.g., anorexia, overeating, bulimia).



Knows how to maintain and promote personal health.



Knows personal health strengths and risk (e.g., results of a personal health assessment).


Knows strategies and skills that are used to attain personal health goals (e.g., maintaining an exercise program, making healthy food choices).


Understands how changing information, abilities, priorities, and responsibilities influence personal health goals.



Demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process



Uses style and structure appropriate for specific audiences (e.g., public, private) and purposes (e.g., to entertain, to influence, to inform).


Writes compositions about autobiographical incidents (e.g., explores the significance and personal importance of the incident; uses details to provide a context for the incident; reveals personal attitude towards the incident; presents details in a logical manner).


Writes compositions that speculate on problems/solutions (e.g., identifies and defines a problem in a way appropriate to the intended audience, describes at least one solution, presents logical and well-supported reasons).



Understands the nature of scientific inquiry.



Establishes relationships based on evidence and logical argument (e.g., provides causes for effects).


Copyright 2001

Teachers may reproduce copies of these materials for classroom use only.