Name: Meaghan Bennett


Title of lesson:  Introduction to CADD


Date of lesson: n/a


Length of lesson: 50 minutes


Description of the class:

                     Name of course: Geometry

                     Grade level: 10th grade

                     Honors or regular: either


Source of the lesson:



TEKS addressed:

            2) Geometric thinking and spatial reasoning. Spatial reasoning plays a critical role in geometry; shapes and figures provide powerful ways to represent mathematical situations and to express generalizations about space and spatial relationships. Students use geometric thinking to understand mathematical concepts and the relationships among them

3) Geometric figures and their properties. Geometry consists of the study of geometric figures of zero, one, two, and three dimensions and the relationships among them. Students study properties and relationships having to do with size, shape, location, direction, and orientation of these figures

     4) The relationship between geometry, other mathematics, and other disciplines. Geometry can be used to model and represent many mathematical and real-world situations. Students perceive the connection between geometry and the real and mathematical worlds and use geometric ideas, relationships, and properties to solve problems.

            (1) The student analyzes the relationship between three-dimensional objects and related two-dimensional representations and uses these representations to solve problems. Following are performance descriptions.


I.       I.      Overview
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the computer design program called CADD.  Students will be able to work through the program to design and create 3-D drawings of their buildings. 
II.  Performance or learner outcomes

            Students will be able to:

                        Understand necessary functions of the CADD program

                        Create a 3-D drawing using CADD

                        Translate their project drawing into a 3-D model


II.                Resources, materials and supplies needed

1. One computer for every student


III.               Supplementary materials, handouts.

Students will be given a handout (not included) on how to access certain basic features of the program. They will also have a few shapes drawn on the sheet in which they will try to recreate.



Five-E Organization

Teacher Does                     Probing Questions                      Student Does       


Pass out the instruction worksheet on basic CADD operations.

Teacher will have already saved a complicated 3-D drawing of a garage on each of the computers. 

Ask the students to open it and explore with the program and the picture.




-None here really, this is just letting them get familiar with the program




Students will get a feel for how the program works.  They will look over the basic tools on the worksheet and explore how to manipulate things in the program



Teacher will ask students to start simple by trying to draw a cube. 

 Walk around the classroom seeing if students are understanding

Teacher will ask students to move on and draw something of their own choice that is a little more complicated, but related to the topic at hand (Ex: a room in a house, or a garage outline, etc.)

 Teacher will continue to walk around and see how the students are choosing to approach this problem.



-          Do you see all the ways you can look at the figure?

-          Do you think you can do this on your own?

-          How do you think this is going to be helpful for you in your project?

Students will attempt to draw a cube on the program using the tools.

Students will then try to draw a second shape.

Students will start to get a better feel for the program when allowed to try something of their own design.



Teacher will run through how to do the basic outline of a house with the students step by step.

Teacher will then go through a short tutorial with them on some more tools they have.





None particularly at this point. 

Students will follow along with the tutorial, asking questions if they have them. 


Extend / Elaborate:

Teacher will go over what the students will need to have done on the program for their project that week.

Tell students that they are expected to have a full 3-D model drawing on CADD of anything they expect to build.  They need to have a rough copy by Wed. and the final drawing will be due Friday. 

Teacher will clarify any questions.





Students will take notes on any requirements they need and ask any questions they have about the project at that time.



Teacher will reiterate upcoming due dates, and address problems that have been coming up in multiple groups.







Students will take note of upcoming due dates, and begin work if time permits.


(A daily grade can be taken here when the teacher is circulating the room. The grade will be a participation grade observed when the students were asked to try to draw a figure of their own design).