Blueprint worksheet


1.)   Go to

2.)   Read the directions before starting. 

3.)   Use the cubes to create a box that is 3 cubes long, three cubes wide and two cubes tall.  Draw the object as it looks on the screen below






4.)   Color each side a different color.  You must first click the explode button before assigning the colors.  You will have to rotate and flip the object in order to get all the sides colored.



5.)   Click on the eye and rotate the object x-y axis to 90 degrees.  Rotate the y-z axis to zero and be sure the x-z rotation is zero.   Which side are you now looking at?  Draw it below.






6.)   Create a tower on the original object four cubes tall on top of the front left cube.  Now draw the top view of the new building.





6.) Erase the object.  Now create your own creative building and draw the view from above.  This is called the floor plan.  Remember to build your building from the back forward, and from the bottom to the top.