Name: Jennifer Johle 

Title of lesson: Engagement to Unit and Review of Function Types

Date of lesson: To be determined

Length of lesson: 2 days


Description of the class:

                     Name of course: Algebra I (maybe pre-ap)

                     Grade level: 8th grade or Freshmen

                     Honors or regular: could be either

Source of the lesson:

           Lesson Planet at:  http://www.knowledge.state.va.us/cgi-bin/lesview.cgi?idl=904

TEKS addressed:

(a)(3) Function concepts. Functions represent the
 systematic dependence of one quantity on another.
 Students use functions to represent and model
 problem situations and to analyze and interpret
(b)(1) The student understands that a function represents
  a dependence of one quantity on another and can be
  described in a variety of ways.
(c)(1) The student understands that linear functions can
  be represented in different ways and translates
   among their various representations.
(c) (2) (C) The student investigates, describes, and
  predicts the effects of changes in m and b on
  the graph of y = mx + b.
(d)(1)(B) The student investigates, describes, and
  predicts the effects of changes in a on the
  graph of y = ax2.


I.      Overview
            In this lesson the students will recap what they have learned in previous lessons about linear and quadratic equations.  This review will help them to in performing the Buzz-Bugs activity a few days later.
II.  Performance or learner outcomes

            Students will be able to:

v    recognize graphs of parent functions (linear and quadratic)

v    recognize and write down equations for the transformational graphs of parent functions

v    use the greeting card they create for future review of these two types of function


III. Resources, materials and supplies needed

v    Digital Camera (if possible more than one)

v    Computers with Microsoft word of works program

v    Card Stock

v    Graphing Calculator and LCD panel



Five-E Organization

Teacher Does                    Probing Questions                    Student Does      


This portion of the engagement will actually be the engagement for the entire unit that starts today. 

Students will watch the unit anchor video, which asks the question: ÒIs population growing too fast?Ó      




I would like to hear any comments that students might be willing to share about the video, like what do think about the question, do you have any questions, or even what you thought of our wonderful acting performance.    

Expected Student



Students will express there ideas about the video and get the ball rolling for the unit.



Ok, these were all great ideas and questions about the video that I do not want you to forget because we will be coming back to each one of them.  But for right now we are going to be shifting gears to get some of the basics out of the way. 

Today we are going to be reviewing two types of functions.






The types that you have learned so far are linear and quadratic functions.  Now I have a fun activity for you all to do that will not only refresh your memory of these functions but also give you a tool for later use.


Depending on how many students know how to use a digital camera, split the class into groups between 3-5 students each. 

Show the entire class the parent functions of the linear and quadratic functions on the board or overhead. Students should copy the different functions on their own paper so that they will have them in their notebooks to review from time to time.


1. Take a picture of a pose by one of your group members showing each parent function.
2. Integrate these photos into a word or works program to create greeting cards.
3. The greeting card must include your picture of your parent function on the front.
4. Inside of the greeting card, you must give a brief biography of the function being sure to include the name of the parent function and the equation on one side of the card.
5. On the other side of the card you must include 5 problems showing transformational graphs or equations for which the receiver of the card may attempt to identify. (You may choose to do a combination of both transformational graphs and equations.)
6. The graphing calculator can be used to create graphs to integrate into the greeting card document if time permits or just a nicely draw out equation will be ok. (It may also be helpful to use the LCD panel for students to photograph these graphs with the digital camera.)
7. You must submit an answer sheet that goes along with your 5 problems on your card.
8. The back of the greeting card must include the "bogus" company name (group or team created name), the names of each member of your group, a slogan for your company that incorporates using function terminology, and the class period.

The students work for the rest of that class period and then almost all of the next.







First of all, who can tell me what a function is? And what types do you actually know?     





Now, who knows how to use a digital camera? 








We will be exploring these to functions, but are there any questions that you may have now?








Are there any questions as to what you will be doing in this activity?  You are free to look at old notes, work with the people in your group towards a good post card, ask me, or last resort resort a trustworthy internet site? Which are which ones?

Expected Student






Some form of this hopefully: A function f of a variable x is a rule that assigns to each number x in the function's domain a single number f(x). The word "single" in this definition is very important.

They should know linear and quadratic, but some may also say exponential.


Hopefully at least three or four, but probably so because students are always becoming more familiar with technology.



















Ones that end in edu or gov



Hand out a sheet that gives expectations to everyone:

You will be graded on the following:
On Time (10 points) (lose 10 points each day that your cards are late)
Number of cards (5 points) (2.5 point per card submitted)
Core of Cards:
(1) Physical Graph is correctly displayed (20 points) (10 points per card)
(2) Biography includes equation and name (20 points) (10 points per card)
(3) 20 problems (20 points) (10 points per card)
(4) Oral presentation (10 points)



If anyone has questions or concerns about the rubric please come and see me.



Extend / Elaborate:

If time, discuss exponential equations.



What do they look like? What is the equation?  Do you think that you could do this same activity for an exponential equation?

Expected Student

Something like the following: an equation which contains an exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity enters as an exponent. Might say that they look like a very sharp curve.



The last 10 minutes of the class the students will exchange cards with another group in the class. 


Each group then will have to turn in the cards and they will be graded to see how well they did following the rubric.



If you have any questions about another groupÕs card please ask them.  Other groups please do not give away any answer.  Help them to the answer.

Expected Student