Name: Sara Hawkins
Title of
lesson: Guided Research Lesson-
for beginning of the Natural Disasters in Texas Unit.
(3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to:
(A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information;
(E) research and describe the history of
geology, meteorology, oceanography, and contributions of scientists.
Students will be able to:
Identify relevant search topics and sources of information.
Utilize electronic and regular resources to pursue answers.
Evaluate the quality and reliability of resources.
Five-E Template
Engage: Teacher Does Ask students, ÒDo you think Natural Disasters in Texas are getting worse?Ó
Tell students, ÒYou have 5 minutes to find a source in a book
or online to support your position.Ó
Time: ______minutes
Probing Questions
What are some recent disaster events? How do you find out about those disasters? If you wanted to defend your answer to me, how would you find information? What makes a good source? |
Student responses/ Misconceptions Hurricanes, possibly earthquakes or Tsunamis The newspaper, the internet, television. Look it up, ask someone. |
Explore: Teacher
Does Instruct students to use books and computers/internet to explore their natural disaster, using their brainstorming words as inspiration for searches and keywords. Walk around and facilitate studentsÕ work, make some suggestions, ask questions. Time: ______minutes |
Probing Questions How could you use those words to find new information? Where might you find information about the weather? What made you try that? What results are you getting? What changes might you make? |
Student responses/ Misconceptions Combine them in searches, used them in different search engines Books, websites. |
Explain: Teacher
Does Ask students to share some of the sources that they have located with the class. Use those sources as examples/starting point to discuss doing research- Ex, considering the authorship, using electronic resources, the level of information (general/specific). Guide students through using internet searches and library resources to find additional information about their topics; talk about Ands and Buts when searching. Time: ______minutes |
Probing Questions What made you decide on that source? What information can you find there? What things might be important when you do research? Why? What are some things you want to avoid? Why? |
Student responses/ Misconceptions We like it, it had good pictures or information. History of this disaster in texas, how hurricanes happen, etc. Good authors, lots of information, etc. Opinions, really old information, etc. |
Extend / Elaborate: Teacher Does Have students return to researching, utilizing new methods or search engines. Circulate and assist students. Construct a webpage where students can list their sources
and annotate what they have found.
Time: ______minutes |
Probing Questions What did you change about what you were doing before? Why? What results are you getting? |
Student responses/ Misconceptions We used different terms, we put terms together with ÒAnd,Ó etc [show sources] |
Teacher Does Instruct students to pick two sources that they found- one they consider to be a ÒgoodÓ source, and one they consider a ÒbadÓ source. Have them write a few sentences about how they found that source and why they think it is good or bad. Time: ______minutes |
Probing Questions Think about the things we talked about—What factors
will you consider when you pick a source? |
Student responses Written product evaluating sources. |