Gives complete description of how each factor discussed in class will affect the ecosystem with elaborate analysis.
Gives a complete description for most factors and how they affect the ecosystem. Doesn't give an analysis.
Gives little description for a few factors and how they affect the ecosystem. Doesn't give an analysis.
Not related to topic
Well sequenced, very clear, transitions well. Logical progression.
Good sequence. Transistions shaky.
Some sequence, but doesn't transition well. Choppy.
Lacks sequence. Difficult to follow.
Has pictures illustrating important topics where appropriate. Figures with clear captions.
Some pictures, but vague explanations.
Few pictures. No or limited explanations.
No Pictures or graphics.
Relate to Big Box Store
Explains how the big box store affects each topic within the ecosystem discussed in class. Analyzes and applies to research project done at the begining of the unit.
Only explains how some topics affect the ecosystem. Gives a limited analysis. Doesn't connect the relationship to the research done at the begining of the unit.
Only explains how some topics affect the ecosystem. Doesn't give an analysis. Doesn't connect the relationship to the research done at the begining of the unit.
Doesn't mention how big box store affects the ecosystem.
Provides detailed summary that incorporates all elements of the journal.
Gives a summary that is lacking some concepts that are mentioned in the journal.
Gives a summary that only mentions a few concepts that are discussed in the journal.
Doesn't provide summary.