Name: Matt Goldshore


Title of lesson: ÒBENCHMARK:  Topics of Interest for the Environmental Chemist.Ó


Date of lesson: To Be Determined


Length of lesson: 1:45 minutes (One Double Block Period)


Description of the class:

                     Name of course: Chemistry (Regular, Honors, Magnet)

                     Grade level: 10th Grade

                     Honors or regular: Regular and Honors Students Together


Source of the lesson:

1.     Manufacturing in the Age of Recycling


2.     Air Junk, Specks, Flecks and Particles in the Air


3.     Bringing The Greenhouse Effect Down To Earth


4.     Sorting out Science from Junk Science


5.     Effects of Air Pollution on our Health


6.     Environmental Chemists




TEKS addressed:

¤112.45. Chemistry.

 (c)  Knowledge and skills.

(1)  Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices. The student is expected to:

(A)  demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and

(B)  make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials.

(2)  Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to:

(A)  plan and implement investigative procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology;

(B)  collect data and make measurements with precision;

(C)  express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific conventions and mathematical procedures such as dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and significant figures;

(D)  organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and

(E)  communicate valid conclusions.

(3)  Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to:

(A)  analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information;

(B)  make responsible choices in selecting everyday products and services using scientific information;

(C)  evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment;

(D)  describe the connection between chemistry and future careers; and

(E)  research and describe the history of chemistry and contributions of scientists.

(4)  Science concepts. The student knows the characteristics of matter. The student is expected to:

 (D)  describe the physical and chemical characteristics of an element using the periodic table and make inferences about its chemical behavior.

(5)  Science concepts. The student knows that energy transformations occur during physical or chemical changes in matter. The student is expected to:

 (B)  identify and measure energy transformations and exchanges involved in chemical reactions; and

(9)  Science concepts. The student knows the processes, effects, and significance of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. The student is expected to:

 (C)  evaluate the commercial use of nuclear energy and medical uses of radioisotopes; and

(D)  evaluate environmental issues associated with the storage, containment, and disposal of nuclear wastes.

 (11)  Science concepts. The student knows that balanced chemical equations are used to interpret and describe the interactions of matter. The student is expected to:

(A)  identify common elements and compounds using scientific nomenclature;

(B)  demonstrate the use of symbols, formulas, and equations in describing interactions of matter such as chemical and nuclear reactions; and

(C)  explain and balance chemical and nuclear equations using number of atoms, masses, and charge.

(12)  Science concepts. The student knows the factors that influence the solubility of solutes in a solvent. The student is expected to:

(C)  evaluate the significance of water as a solvent in living organisms and in the environment.

 (14)  Science concepts. The student knows the properties and behavior of acids and bases. The student is expected to:

 (D)  describe effects of acids and bases on an ecological system.


I.     Overview


In this lesson, students will begin to understand ÒChemistry in Context.Ó Science and Math teachers are known to hate the following question that their students (specifically the uninterested ones) pose, ÒWhy do we need to know this?Ó In this exercise students will go to a variety of stations where they will get acquainted with topics that are of interest to the environmental chemist. Each station will have a different activity, whether it be an article to read, or a brief experiment to perform which will engage them into the upcoming unit on the environmental implications of a big box corporation.


It is very important to understand that even though this lesson will contain each component of the five-E model, this lesson as a whole is really apart of the engagement week for the driving question, ÒWhat is the effect of a big box company on your community?Ó If this lesson is not analyzed within the framework of the unit as a whole, it may seem disjoint and incomplete. The goal of this lesson is to see how chemistry is apart of a big-box company and more broadly, how chemistry is apart of industry as a whole.


Students should use this experience as a snapshot of what is to come, as each table focuses on a different topic/skill covered later in the Òdriving question unit.Ó



II.  Performance or learner outcomes


            Students will be able to

1.     Identify issues/topics of interest to an environmental chemist

2.     Draw similarities and differences between their future in-class work and the work of a professional chemist.

3.     Determine what sub-disciplines of chemistry the construction of a big box company might have.


III. Resources, materials and supplies needed


1.     Table I:

a.     Large Cardboard Box

b.     Clean Plastic Jugs or Cartons

c.     Dozens of Aluminum Cans

d.     Paper and Pencils

e.     Calculator

2.     Table II:

a.     An 8" x 10" (205 x 255 millimeters, or mm) piece of shoe-box cardboard or stiff paper from a file folder.

b.     Six pieces of sticky stuff. Sticky labels or transparent tape work fine. Each piece should be about 1-1/2" x 3-1/2" (40 mm x 90 mm).

c.     One light string per collector, 12" (300 mm) long.

d.     One light string per collector, 12" (300 mm) long.

e.     Tape to hang the collector strings.

f.      A magnifying glass (if you have one).

3.     Table III:

a.     5 Vials or test tubes

b.     A graduated cylinder

c.     A funnel straw

d.     A marble-size piece of modeling clay

e.     4 different colored balloons

f.      4 twist ties

g.     A narrow-necked bottle (the neck should be narrow enough for a balloon to fit over it)

h.     A dropping bottle of bromthymol blue indicator solution

i.      A dropping bottle of dilute household ammonia (1 part ammonia to 50 parts distilled water)

j.      100 mL vinegar

k.     5 mL baking soda

l.      Safety goggles for wear at all times

4.     Table IV:

a.     Article to read about evaluating science

b.     Pro/Con Handout

5.     Table V:

a.     Article to read about evaluating science

b.     Pro/Con Handout

6.     Table VI:

a.     Article to read about evaluating science

b.     Pro/Con Handout


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.


   There are no supplementary materials. All materials and handouts are included in their respective table in the above section.



Five-E Organization


Teacher Does:                                                 Student Does:



Teacher tells students that they will be doing a laboratory ÒRound RobinÓ in class today. Teacher will let the students know that often times, experiments in chemistry are very expensive to set up and as a result a good portion of university labs are done in the ÒRound RobinÓ format.


Teacher will then ask class what are the sub-disciplines of chemist. Teacher will use outline form on the chalk board to display all of the disciplines and the areas of chemistry which they deal with. Teacher will guide the students to insure that they write down Environmental Chemist. Students will hypothesize as to what an Environmental Chemist does and what is encompassed in Environmental Chemistry.

Teacher will break students into 5 group of four students. Each group will be determined by randomly choosing numbers during the first few minutes of class. 



Students listen and understand what a round robin lab looks like as well as understands the possible hazards when groups of students are working on different labs in a given class period.





Students will hypothesize about the sub-disciplines within chemistry and furthermore will ponder the topics which are apart of each discipline.








Students will break into groups accordingly.


Evaluate: There will be no evaluation of this part of the lesson.


Teacher Does:                                                 Student Does:



Teacher will show the students around the laboratory. Teacher will explain each station and the purpose of each.






Teacher will then not answer any questions until the explanation component of the lesson. Teacher will go around to each station and ask probing questions to maximize the learning experience of each mini-lab.



Student listens attentively to how the round robin experiment will work. Students will take particular caution of the parts of the experiment which use chemicals, as it is imperative that students know how to handle the chemicals and where to store the waste.


Students will do the lab.


Evaluate: Teacher will collect and grade class work at each station.


Teacher Does:                                                 Student Does:



Teacher will ask, ÒWhat does this all mean?Ó and, ÒWhy do we care?Ó Teacher will then fill in the blanks with a pre-made concept map where students as a class will be asked to fill in the blanks. This will give the students an understanding of where the topics tie in and bring all of the components of the mini-lab back to the driving question!





Students will actively participate in filling out and understanding the connections presented in the concept map. Students will ask questions at points where the connections to be drawn are difficult and non-intuitive.


Students will ask their teammates from the mini-lab round robin to explain concepts that are difficult to understand.


Evaluate: Students will be asked to fill in the blanks for at least one question. If students are confused, they will be allowed to confer with their group to get the correct answer. Students who are still having difficulty will meet with teacher. There will obviously be no repercussions for lack of understanding as long as students seek help.


Teacher Does:                                                 Student Does:

Extend/ Elaborate:


The elaboration of this experiment will be the rest of the unit. Each topic the teacher will further present has been brought up in the above lesson. Teacher will be forced to continue to draw conclusions and connections from this benchmark lesson for the rest of the unit.



Student continues to draw connections using graphical organizers (specifically concept maps) to grasp the main ideas that this lesson has provided. This lesson will be crucially important for future understanding in the driving question unit.


Evaluate:  There will be no evaluation for this component of the lesson. Students will be tested further along in the unit, however, there will be no formal assessment at the end of this class period.