Review of Statistical Theorems

Statistical Tests

AuthorŐs Name: Marcus Blomquist

Length of lesson: 1 hour

Name of course: AP Statistics

Grade level: 11-12

TEKS addressed: None.

Concepts: At this point in the semester, the students should have a solid understanding of each of these theorems.

Performance or learner outcomes:

            Students will be able to rejuvenate any lost tools of statistics. Those that have been lost should be pretty easy to recover. The main focus is on knowing what test to perform on a sampling distribution.


Resources, materials and supplies needed: ŇhatÓ with enough salaries in it for each group to pick 50 values out of it, with the groups replacing it after recording the numbers. I recommend that there are at least 100 salaries.

Safety Considerations: None

Supplementary materials, handouts: None

Special notes:  Because this is a review lesson, the actual plan does not have much content. You need to address each problem as it arises.


Teacher Does

Probing Questions

Student does


Have the students talk about how much money they would like to make and why. Then bring up what they think the national income average. Introduce the main point of this project as the comparison of the income averages of households to the income level of employees of big box retail.

How much do you want to make?

How much do you need?

Decide how much they would like to earn and why.




Start off with students picking out 3 salaries. Have the students run which ever test they feel is important.

Can we run t-test?

Can we estimate the max?

Can you develop a confidence interval for this amount of data?

Students need to run tests for their data.

Only tests that can be performed are useable.

After the students have finished the run of 3, have them run it again for runs of 15, 30, and 50.

Can we run t-test?

Can we estimate the max?

Can you develop a confidence interval for this amount of data?

Students need to run tests for their data.

Only tests that can be performed are useable.





Have the students explain to everyone what tests work and do not work.

When can we use the t-test?

When can we assume the population is approaching normal?


Define when each test is usable.





Have the students create and perform hypotheses tests for each sampling.


One tests might be is this population a good estimate for the national income average? (Which for 2000, is $46,242)


The students need to create null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses for each sampling.





Have the students complete create a lists of tests that can be performed for n=3, 15, 30, and 50. This lists needs to be in their journal so that they can reference it later on in the project. Grade is a completion grade.


Keep their journals up to date.