Review of Statistical Theorems

Average Incomes

AuthorÕs Name: Marcus Blomquist

Length of lesson: 1 hour

Name of course: AP Statistics

Grade level: 11-12

TEKS addressed: None.

Concepts: At this point in the semester, the students should have a solid understanding of each of these theorems.

Performance or learner outcomes:

            Students will be able to rejuvenate any lost tools of statistics. Those that have been lost should be pretty easy to recover.

Resources, materials and supplies needed: Computers (each student needs one, or if not enough machines, 1 per group.).  This website contains basic information for your community.

Safety Considerations: None

Supplementary materials, handouts: None

Special notes:  Because this is a review lesson, the actual plan does not have much content. You need to address each problem as it arises.


Teacher Does

Probing Questions

Student does


Remind the class what was done the day before. Introduce the census bureau website and have the class explain what the census does. Then assign each group a set of states. It is preferable to have all states accounted for, but each group should not be given more then 10 states.







Give the class the URLÕs for the data tables. A simple method would be to email them to each student and have the students click on the links. The URLs are very long and mistakes while typing them in are bound to happen.

Here is how to find the correct information: Click on the American Factfinder link.

When on this page, click on data sets. Then click on Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data. Then click on the side menu option Òcustom tableÓ

Have the class choose the US and their assigned states for the geographic areas. Click next. Then have the class choose the tables that they want to use.

Student does the work.

Have the class record the relevant information for their assigned states.

By the end, make sure that everyone has included an income average for households.

Student does the work.





Once the data has been collected, have the class sort it into relevant order and what they feel will be useful.

Make sure that it includes income averages.


Student does the work.





Let the students explore the website and find other tidbits of data.



Once the data has been collected, remind the class what we did the day before.

What tests do you think the bureau uses on all of its data?






The class needs to keep the information in their journals. For right now, it is a completion grade. When you are checking their journals, make sure to check that each assigned state has all information about it.

Once everything is said done, have the class save their tables. Then they need to e-mail it to you. For the next class, have the tables printed out for the students.