Group member(s): Chastity Colbert, Theresa Hogan,
Danielle Ortega
Author of Lesson: Chastity Colbert
Title of lesson: QUADRATIC Equations: Solving by quadratic formula
Date of lesson: N/A
Length of lesson: 50
minute class period
Description of the class:
of course: Algebra II
level: 10th or 11th grade
or regular: N/A
Source of the lesson:
Academic Standards:
Algebra 2 TEKS:
(1) The student
understands that quadratic functions can be represented in different
ways and translates among their various representations.
Following are performance
(A) For given contexts, the student determines the
reasonable domain and
range values of quadratic functions, as well as interprets
and determines the
reasonableness of solutions to quadratic equations and
(3) The student formulates equations and inequalities based
on quadratic functions,
uses a variety of methods to solve them, and analyzes the
solutions in terms of the
situation. Following are performance descriptions.
(B) The student analyzes and interprets the solutions of
quadratic equations
using discriminants and solves quadratic equations using the
(D) The student solves quadratic equations and inequalities.
I. Overview
Students will continue in their
learning of solving quadratic equations in the lesson by focusing on the
quadratic formula. Students will
build on their knowledge of completing the square, which was taught in the
previous class period, to derive the quadratic formula. Also, in the lesson, students get
introduced to the determinant and its relationship to existent and non-existent
II. Performance or learner outcomes
Students will be able to:
derive the quadratic formula
apply to various quadratic equations.
III. Resources,
materials and supplies needed
erase board markers or overhead markers, Paper and Pencil, and warm-up worksheet
Engagement (Warm-up) and Exploration
Does |
Students Do |
a warm-up, give students three quadratics to solve: one that could be solved
by taking a square root (ex: Discuss
why each problem is best solved with the given method. |
In their project groups, students work on worksheet. |
I left off one-more problem that I need for you to solve.Ó Then, give
students a quadratic that needs to be solved using completing the square, but
is not Òas niceÓ as the first. (For example, |
Students try to solve last problem. |
Teacher Does |
Students Do |
Ask about 2 groups to come up and show their work to the class. ÒHow did you most of you solve the last equation? What method did you use?Ó
ÒWho found it a little difficult and cumbersome to keep track of all those coefficients?Ó ÒWell, today we are going to invent a new method of solving quadratic equations using the complete the square method.Ó |
Many students will have probably tried to complete the square considering that they learned it the previous day and that the equation is hard to factor. |
by guiding the students, start deriving the quadratic formula. Start
with the standard form of a quadratic equation with arbitrary coefficients,
a, b, c, and using completing the square to derive the quadratic formula. |
Finally, show how to use the formula to solve any quadratic by using the ÒextraÓ question that was given at the beginning of class. Then, have students in class check that the formula works by using the quadratic formula for the problems used in the warm-up. |
Show various graphs of parabolas with the solutions from using the formula. One should show about 2 that have true roots and 2 in which the roots do not exist. ÒWhat do you notice about the roots in which the graphs cross the x-axis? What about those that donÕt cross?Ó Give students about 5 minutes to discuss within their groups |
ÒWhen it crosses the x-axis, the number in the square root is positive; when it doesnÕt cross, the number in the square root is negative.Ó |
ÒCorrect, we call this number the determinant. When the determinant < 0, the solution/root does not exist. When the determinant greater than or equal to zero, the solution/root exists. |
will perform have an oral evaluation at the end of class, briefly reviewing the
quadratic formula and other methods they have learned. They will discuss when
it may be useful to use the various methods to solve different quadratics.
Sometimes one method is faster than the other (i.e. factoring is often faster
than using the quadratic formula if you can factor a quadratic). Students will also be given homework
out of the textbook.