Project Lesson Plan #1          First Week Day One


Name:  Tzu-Li Tien


Title of lesson: Introduction of Balloon/Ping-Pong Project


Length of lesson: 45 minutes


Source of the lesson:



TEKS Addressed:


¡±111.32. Algebra I


(a)  Basic understandings.


(1)  Foundation concepts for high school mathematics. As presented in Grades K-8, the basic understandings of number, operation, and quantitative reasoning; patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking; geometry; measurement; and probability and statistics are essential foundations for all work in high school mathematics. Students will continue to build on this foundation as they expand their understanding through other mathematical experiences.


(2)  Algebraic thinking and symbolic reasoning. Symbolic reasoning plays a critical role in algebra; symbols provide powerful ways to represent mathematical situations and to express generalizations. Students use symbols in a variety of ways to study relationships among quantities.


(3)  Function concepts. A function is a fundamental mathematical concept; it expresses a special kind of relationship between two quantities. Students use functions to determine one quantity from another, to represent and model problem situations, and to analyze and interpret relationships.


(6)  Underlying mathematical processes. Many processes underlie all content areas in mathematics. As they do mathematics, students continually use problem-solving, language and communication, and reasoning (justification and proof) to make connections within and outside mathematics. Students also use multiple representations, technology, applications and modeling, and numerical fluency in problem-solving contexts.


¡±111.34. Geometry


(a)  Basic understandings.


(1)  Foundation concepts for high school mathematics. As presented in Grades K-8, the basic understandings of number, operation, and quantitative reasoning; patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking; geometry; measurement; and probability and statistics are essential foundations for all work in high school mathematics. Students continue to build on this foundation as they expand their understanding through other mathematical experiences.


(2)  Geometric thinking and spatial reasoning. Spatial reasoning plays a critical role in geometry; geometric figures provide powerful ways to represent mathematical situations and to express generalizations about space and spatial relationships. Students use geometric thinking to understand mathematical concepts and the relationships among them.


(4)  The relationship between geometry, other mathematics, and other disciplines. Geometry can be used to model and represent many mathematical and real-world situations. Students perceive the connection between geometry and the real and mathematical worlds and use geometric ideas, relationships, and properties to solve problems.


The Lesson:


I.  Overview


The students will be engaged about the up coming project and the lessons that will prepare them for complete the project.


II.   Performance or learner outcomes


The students will be able to:

¡P        understand the meaning and the usage of ratio & proportion.

¡P        understand the meaning and the usage of linear function.

¡P        learn the basics about density and buoyancy.

¡P        apply the data into scatter plot and produce best-fit line.

¡P        research online information and conduct group activity..


III. Resources, materials and supplies needed


A computer with Internet access and a projector that can display the computer screen


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.




Five-E Organization


Teacher Does                                                   Student Does


I¡¦ll begin the class by showing the video clip from YouTube.  The video is about a group of people tries to lift a person by helium party balloons.  Seeing this act performed in real life should be interesting to the students.



Students are encouraged to look forward to conducting similar experiment.



Teacher Does                                                   Student Does

Explore / Explain:

After the video, I would analyze and explain the scientific theories and mathematic calculation relate to balloon lift, such as density, buoyancy, ratio & proportion, and linear function.  For example, what makes these balloons fly? Or what is the gas inside the balloons?



Students are asked to show their prior knowledge regarding density, buoyancy, ratio & proportion, and linear function.  They are also encouraged to ask any question they have about these topics.



Teacher Does                                                   Student Does

Extend / Elaborate:

For the rest of the time, I would start talking about the alternative of Balloons Lifting¡XPing Pong Lifting.  Floating in air and floating in water is essentially the same thing, so if it is possible to lift a person by balloons, is it possible to float a sunken object by ping pong balls?



Brief instruction and hints will be given to the students regarding other possibilities of the group project, so they can have more choices.