Frog Digital Dissection


Name: Andrew Lowry


Title of lesson: Dissection of a Frog


Date of lesson: April 21, 2030


Length of lesson: 50 minutes


Description of the class:

                     Name of course: Biology

                     Grade level: 9th

                     Honors or regular: Regular


Source of the lesson:



TEKS addressed:


(2)  Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to:


(A)  plan and implement investigative procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology;


(B)  collect data and make measurements with precision;


(C)  organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and


(D)  communicate valid conclusions.


(10)  Science concepts. The student knows that, at all levels of nature, living systems are found within other living systems, each with its own boundary and limits. The student is expected to:


(A)  interpret the functions of systems in organisms including circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, integumentary, skeletal, respiratory, muscular, excretory, and immune;


(B)  compare the interrelationships of organ systems to each other and to the body as a whole; and





á      Overview
             Students will explore the components and anatomy of a frog using a dissection computer program.
á      Performance or learner outcomes

                        Students will be able to:

                                               i.     Identify basic organs that a frog is composed of.

                                             ii.     Elaborate on each organ system and describe how they are related to other organ system.

                                            iii.     Elaborate on the functions and necessities of each organ system.

                                            iv.     Compare a frogÕs organs to that of a different mammal.

                                             v.     Describe the difference between a male and female species.


á      Resources, materials and supplies needed

For the Class

á  Computers

á  Frog Dissection Program


á      Safety Considerations

á  Keep food and Drinks away from the computer



á      Supplementary materials, handouts

á  Frog Dissection Lab Handout



Five-E Organization

Teacher Does                    Probing Questions                                Student Does      


Learning Experience(s)


Teacher will ask the students to describe a mammal. Then she/he will compare other mammals to a human. Teacher will ask questions to students about the organ systems and what they are composed of.


Time: ___10___minutes

Critical questions that will establish prior knowledge and create a need to know


1) What is a mammal?


2) What qualities make a mammal?


3) Describe why humans are considered a mammal.


4) What are you composed of? (WhatÕs inside of you?)


5) What is an organ?


6) What makes up an Organ System?


7) What are the organ systems?


8) Describe the functions of each organ system.





Expected Student




Students should have a basic understanding of what a mammal is. They might not understand what makes a mammal a mammal. Students will be able to name the organ systems but not understand the complexity of their functions. 



Learning Experience(s)


Teacher will pass out the lab procedure and explain how to perform the dissection. He/she will mention that they will be dissecting using the computer and should stay on task. Remind students what they need to focus on when dissecting and that they should only be working with that computer program and nothing else.



Time: ___15___minutes

Critical questions that will allow you to decide whether students understand or are able to carry out the assigned task (formative)


1) Name the organs that the frog is composed of.


2) Describe the components that make up the digestive system?



3) What is the name and function of the first chemical digesting organ?


4) Locate the heart and count the number of lobes it has?


5) Describe to me what you see and can you identify different organs?


6) Describe the organ characteristics that you need to conclude which it organ it is?

Expected Student






Students should stay on task and following the instructions given to them. 



Learning Experience(s)


Teacher should ask each group to come up and describe one organ system that they found interesting. Make sure the cover all components involved and what function it performs.  Also explain how that organ system relates to the overall function of the body. 



Time: ___15___minutes

Critical questions that will allow you to help students clarify their understanding and introduce information related to concepts to be learned


1) Describe to me one organ system that you found interesting.


2) What organs make up the system and explain their functions.


3) How does your organ system affect the entire body?


Expected Student







This will let students have their own opinion but it requires them to have basic knowledge of the system. This will also let them learn from their peers.  


Extend / Elaborate:

Learning Experience(s)


Teacher will give students a slip of paper that describes a disease of an organ. Students will use the knowledge they have learned to answer the questions asked.


Time: ___10___minutes

Critical questions that will allow you to decide whether students can extend conceptual connections in new situations


1) Your fog has (stomach ulcers, diabetes, kidney disease, gallstones, heart failure, nervous system disease, hyperthyroidism), describe what functions cannot be performed and how the entire body will be affected.

Expected Student






This will challenge the students to think about real world problems. It will get them to evaluate the problem and realize how it will affect the whole body. 




An evaluation will be given. Students will have 5-10 minutes to complete.



Time: __N.A.__ minutes      


Critical questions that will allow you to decide whether students understood main lesson objectives


1. List two components that make up each organ system listed and give three functions for each one.













Expected Student





This will be a good evaluation for the students because it is a summary of the overall lesson.