Meagan Vickers


Current Address:

4600 Elmont Dr. #912

Austin, TX 78741

(979) 733-4413



Permanent Address:

3130 Hwy 90

Weimar, TX 78962

(979) 732-6428



            August 2002 – present

            University of Texas at Austin

            Natural Sciences Mathematics

            Overall GPA: 3.854 / 4.0


Teaching Experience:

á      St. Francis Elementary School. Fall 2002. Team taught four fifty minute lessons for a 5th grade science class.

á      Martin Middle School. Spring 2003. Team taught three fifty minute lessons for an 8th grade regular math class.

á      Crockett High School. Spring 2004. Team taught twice- three fifty minute lessons on consecutive days in a 9th and 10th grade Geometry Pre-AP class.

á      Travis High School. Fall 2005. Tutor, Grader, Teaching Assistant.

á      McNeil High School. Fall 2005. Taught two ninety minute lessons for high school algebra kids using Dobsonian telescopes


Work Experience

09/05-present  Travis High School (through UTeach program)                    Austin, TX


á      Assist 4 teachers in classrooms 20 hours/week

á      Grading, Tutoring, Assistant Teaching

2005-present Nanny                                                                                            Austin, TX

á      John and Carol Brinson, kids Kate (age 5) and Jack (18 months)

2003-2005       University of Texas at Austin                                                   Austin, TX

                        Resident Assistant

á      Lives among and watches over 51 residents; serves as an educator, counselor, resource, administrator, disciplinarian, and role model

á      Plans and facilitates educational, social, value, health, development and other types of programs for residents

05/04-08/04 Camp Champions                                                                Marble Falls, TX

                        Counselor and Activities Director

á      Live in a cabin with 12 girls (ages 8-13) and one co-counselor. Primarily responsible for the health, safety, well-being and happiness of the campers.

á      Led or assisted six fifty minute activities daily, ranging from volleyball, softball, cheerleading, drama, dance, kayaking, swimming, etc.

5/01- 8/02       SchobelsÕ Restaurant                                                            Columbus, TX

Waitress, Cashier

á      Work cash register; handle large bills, checks, and major credit cards

á      Attend and serve customers as their waitress

Also: Independently tutored while I was attending Columbus High School (1998-2002)  for struggling middle school kids in the Columbus Independent School District.


1997-2003       TMR ConStruction-bookkeeper

            Responsible for accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, quarterly reports, assisted with customer relations, word processing, telephone leads


Activities and Honors

á      RHC – Jester West Residence Hall Council; 8/02 – 5/05

á      MASTT – Math and Science Teacher of Tomorrow; 8/02 - 5/05

á      University Honors – 8/02 - 12/05

á      Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma - Freshman Honor Sororities

á      The National Dean's List (honorary Award recognition) - 2003-2004

á      National Society of Collegiate Scholars - 2 years

á      Distinguished College Scholar - 3 years