TITLE:                                   The Amazing DNA


AUTHOR:                              Ryan Odom


GRADE LEVEL:                    9th



OBJECTIVES:          The students will be able to:

á      Extract DNA from a thymus

á      See nucleuses underneath the microscope

á      Learn the basics of DNA, its components, and replication


¤112.43. Biology. (c)  Knowledge and skills.

(6)  Science concepts. The student knows the structures and functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of genetics. The student is expected to:

(A)  describe components of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and illustrate how information for specifying the traits of an organism is carried in the DNA;

(B)  explain replication, transcription, and translation using models of DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA);




As much as possible, you would like to work with cold materials and solutions. When the alcohol is removed from the freezer it should be carried on ice into the classroom.





Students are going to extract DNA from a Thymus. This will allow them to realize there is something more going on inside the cell.


  1. To break open the thymus cells: Add a small piece of thymus (slightly smaller than an egg) to the blender with enough sucrose solution to make a thin milkshake consistancy. Blend until thymus is broken up. Kids think this is cool and gross to watch!
  2. Pour the blended thymus through a funnel which is lined with four thicknesses of cheese cloth. The filtrate collected below the funnel will contain many nuclei which can be observed under the microscope. This step removes gristle and other stuff.
  3. Pour about 2 mL of the nuclei suspension collected from step 2 into a clean test tube for each student group.
  4. Pour about 2 mL of detergent solution into another clean test tube for each group.
  5. Students pour detergent solution into test tube of nuclei suspension and gently shake tube from side to side to mix. Do not shake enough to get foamy! In this step the detergent will break open the lipid membrane of the nuclei and release DNA. The salt in the solution will help neutralize the negative charges on the DNA molecules so they will precipitate.
  6. Slowly pour COLD ethanol down the inside of the test tube containing the nuclei/detergent mixture so that a layer of ethanol forms on top of the mixture. DNA will come out of solution at the place where the two layers meet.
  7. Use clean wires to dip into layer where the two solutions meet and stir gently. Students will be able to lift out masses of DNA. I have had students pull gently until they lifted about 2 meters of long chain molecules out.



o      What did you think the white stuff is?

o      Any ideas why we added the detergent?

o      Why did we add salt to solution?




4 Minutes Introduce basic DNA structure Asks questions about topic
3 Minutes Introduce the components of DNA

1 Minute Give overview of DNA replication Open notebooks and take notes
---------- Start overhead projector ---------------------------
4 Minutes Discuss semi-conservative replication Take notes and ask questions
3 Minutes Discuss how DNA unwinds Take notes and ask questions
2 Minutes Show model of unwinding DNA Take notes and ask questions

3 Minutes discuss how DNA replicates


á      Application of material in their overall project.