Intro to Quadratic Equations


Name:  Eric Reyes


Title of lesson: Intro to Quadratic Equations, Part 2.


Date of lesson:  Monday Week 3


Length of lesson: 1 Day


Description of the class: Mathematics

                     Name of course:  Algebra

                     Grade level:  9

                     Honors or regular:  Regular


Source of the lesson:



TEKS addressed:

(a) Basic understandings

(4) Relationship between equations and functions. Equations arise as a way of asking and answering questions involving functional relationships. Students work in many situations to set up equations and use a variety of methods to solve these equations.

(5) Tools for algebraic thinking. Techniques for working with functions and equations are essential in understanding underlying relationships. Students use a variety of representations (concrete, numerical, algorithmic, graphical), tools, and technology, including, but not limited to, powerful and accessible hand-held calculators and computers with graphing capabilities and model mathematical situations to solve meaningful problems.

(d) Quadratic and other nonlinear functions: knowledge and skills and performance descriptions.

3) The student understands there are situations modeled by functions that are neither linear nor quadratic and models the situations. Following are performance descriptions.

(A) The student uses patterns to generate the laws of exponents and applies them in problem-solving situations.

(B) The student analyzes data and represents situations involving inverse variation using concrete models, tables, graphs, or algebraic methods.


I.       Overview
In this lesson, students will work with quadratic equations and be able to solve quadratic equations using various techniques.


II. Performance or learner outcomes

            Students will be able to:

·        Solve quadratic equations.

III. Resources, materials and supplies needed


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.

·        Handouts and questions


Five-E Organization

Teacher Does                     Probing Questions                      Student Does/ Response



Have students draw different types of parabolas that cross all the axis.



1. what are the characteristics of these parabolas?


2. what are the points where the graph crosses the x axis called?



1. They can either cross the x axis:

zero times, once, or twice


2. roots



  What are methods in which we solve the values where a parabola crosses the x axis?

We want to solve:


We want to find factors of c that add up to b. Now from multiplying polynomials, quadric is fromed from mulitpyling two factors of the form (x+m)(x+n).

The answer is ax^2+bx+c=(x+m)(x+n).

Solve x^2+5x+6=0.








1. Factoring




Solving by Square-Rooting           Let's take another look at that last problem:

              Solve x2 – 4 = 0.              When you have "squared part minus a number", you can put the number over on the other side, like this:

                x2 – 4 = 0

                x2 = 4

Remember that, when solving an equation, you can do whatever you             like to it, as long as you do the same thing to both sides. On the left-hand side, I have x2, and I need just x. To turn an x2 into  an x, I square-root both sides:

                x = ± 2

 Then the solution is x = ± 2.





























Why the "±" ("plus-or-minus") sign?


Students read and go over problems on worksheet.



















Because it might have been a positive 2 or a negative 2 that was squared to get the 4.








Extend / Elaborate:


Use completing the square to solve x2 – 4x – 8 = 0.

              As we noted before, this does not factor, so we can't solve the

              equation that way. And they haven't given us the quadratic in a

              form that is ready to square-root. But there is a way to

              manipulate the quadratic to put it in a form that we can

              square-root. It works like this:

              First, you put the loose number on the other side:

                x2 – 4x – 8 = 0

                x2 – 4x = 8

              Then you look at the coefficient of the x-term; this is –4, in               this case. Take half of this (including the sign); this is –2.  Then square this value to get +4, and add this to both sides: x2 – 4x + 4 = 8 + 4

 x2 – 4x + 4 = 12

 This process created a perfect-square quadratic on the left-hand side. That is, if I factor the left-hand side, I get a square:

                (x – 2)2 = 12

Now I can square-root both sides and solve:

                (x – 2)2 = 12



Students go over hand out and present their understandings of the material.










-3x2 + 300 = 0

Solve each equation by factoring









Solve each equation by completing the square..








5x2 - 9x + 4 = 0


Students work on the problems and present to the class.