Intro to Quadratic Equations
Name: Eric Reyes
Title of
lesson: Intro to Quadratic
Equations, Part 1
Date of
lesson: Friday Week 2
of lesson: 1 Day
of the class: Mathematics Name
of course: Algebra
level: 9
or regular: Regular
Source of the lesson:
Basic understandings
(4) Relationship between
equations and functions. Equations arise as a way of asking and answering
questions involving functional relationships. Students work in many situations
to set up equations and use a variety of methods to solve these equations.
(5) Tools for algebraic
thinking. Techniques for working with functions and equations are essential in
understanding underlying relationships. Students use a variety of
representations (concrete, numerical, algorithmic, graphical),
tools, and technology, including, but not limited to, powerful and accessible
hand-held calculators and computers with graphing capabilities and model
mathematical situations to solve meaningful problems.
(d) Quadratic and other
nonlinear functions: knowledge and skills and performance descriptions.
3) The student understands
there are situations modeled by functions that are neither linear nor quadratic
and models the situations. Following are performance descriptions.
(A) The student uses
patterns to generate the laws of exponents and applies them in problem-solving
(B) The student analyzes
data and represents situations involving inverse variation using concrete
models, tables, graphs, or algebraic methods.
Students will be able to:
á Recognize quadratic equations.
á Describe the graph of quadratic equations.
IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.
á Handout and questions
Five-E Organization
Teacher Does Probing Questions Student Does/Responses
Engage: Ask student of any previous knowledge or understanding of quadratics. |
1. Who knows the
formula for quadratic equation? 2. Who knows what
the graph of a quadratic looks like? Can you draw it? 3. What are the
characteristics of a quadratic and its graph? |
1. y= ax^x + bx + c 2. It looks like a ÒUÓ shaped curve. 3. It can open up or down, be wide or thin. |
Explore: Give students the formula for a quadratic. y=ax^2+bx+c. Give the definition of a quadratic function: A quadratic is a function of the form: f(x) = ax2 + bx + c where a is non zero. The graph of a quadratic is called a parabola. Have students then start working with the equation itself. First have students plug and graph values for the simplest for of a quadratic: y= ax2 For now let a be a constant of their choosing. Then have students plug and graph values with the form: y=
= ax2 + bx leaving a and b
as any constant. Then have
students explore the entire graph = ax2 + bx+ c with a b and c as constants.
1. Why must a be non zero? 2. What values can b and c take? 3. What makes this formula/equation unique? 4. What are some characteristics you can identify by plugging in numbers? 5. Compare and
contrast the graphs of your equations. How do they relate/differ with the
coefficients be added/left out? |
1. To give the quadratic its curvature. If a was zero, you would have a linear function of the form bx + c. This is not quadratic. 2. Any values. If they were zero, you would have the
quadratic ax2 3. The first coefficient is followed by x^2, the second by x and the third is by itself. 4. Depending on how big or small the numbers you plug in, the graph will be different. Bigger or smaller. Students graph and draw and label pictures of the equation with different values. |
Explain: Explain to
students the meaning of the leading coefficient a.
The general
form of a quadratic is "y = ax2 + bx +
c". For graphing, the leading coefficient "a" indicates how
"fat" or "skinny" the parabola will be.
Have students construct parabolas with different ÒaÓ values. Explanation of the vertex. Parabolas always have a lowest point (or a highest point, if the parabola is upside-down). This point, where the parabola changes direction, is called the "vertex". One point for you
to remember is that, if you have an equation where
a is, say, negative, and you're coming up with plot points that make
it look like the quadratic is right-side-up, then you need to go back and check your work. |
1. if a is greater than 1, how the graph of the parabola look
like? 2. If a is less than 1, how will the graph the parabola look
like? 3. What if a was negative? 4. How can we
rewrite the quadratic formula in a form to locating its intercepts? |
1. thinner skinny 2. fatter larger 3. then the parabola would be point downward. 4. y = ax² + bx + c y - c = ax² + bx y + b²/(4a) - c = ax² + bx + b²/(4a) y + b²/(4a) - (4ac)/(4a) = a(x² + (b/a)(x) + b²/(4a²)) y + b²/(4a) - (4ac)/(4a) = a(x + b/(2a))² y + (b² - 4ac)/(4a) = a(x + b/(2a))² |
Extend / Elaborate: Have students derive a simpler form of the vertex formula. |
For what values
can we assighn to easily calculate the vertices of
a parabola and calculate a,b,c? |
h=-b/2a k= c-b^2/4a^2 y=a(x-h)^2+k |
Evaluate: Graph and find the
vertex of: y=3x^2+x-2 y=7x^x+3x+9 y=8x^2+2x+18 |
Students work on the problems and present to the class. |